camping with weed

The Do’s and Don’ts of Camping with Weed

Immersing yourself in nature is one of the best ways to recharge and rejuvenate from the hustle and bustle of hectic daily life. 

While sparking up a J after a long day of work in the comfort of your own home is chill, have you ever tried enhancing your experience by combining your love of the outdoors with your favourite icky sticky? 

Camping with weed is an excellent method of bringing an extra level of mellow to your overall back to nature experience. Weed has a way of amplifying our mood and senses, creating a greater appreciation for the world around us. 

After all, what better way to enjoy nature than with nature? 

That said, while indulging in magical marijuana, we must also respect our Mother Earth and our fellow campers. So, today, we’re here to outline some of the pinnacle pot do’s and don’ts when it comes to camping with weed. 

Ready? Here we go! 

The Do’s 

DO Check the Guidelines of Your Campground Before Visiting 

While weed is now legal across Canada, there are still different rules and regulations surrounding public consumption in some areas. 

If you’re travelling outside of Canada, then the act of sparking up some righteous reefer may not be as welcomed. For example, only some states in the US have legalized weed. So, it’s best to do your homework before visiting to avoid getting in trouble. 

These protocols will likely vary depending on the specific region and campground that you’re visiting. Other factors, including the time of year, will also play a crucial role. While some locations may permit smoking if done responsibly, others may ban it altogether. 

One of the primary reasons behind all-out bans is to reduce the risk of forest fires from not extinguishing your joints, cigarettes or other smoking apparatuses properly, which is entirely fair and understandable and conveniently leads into our next point. 

DO Practice Proper Fire Safety 

Like Smokey the Bear has been telling the world since 1947, “Only you can prevent forest fires”! 

We all love nature, and we want to appreciate it and all its glory. With this in mind, we should do everything within our power to protect it. 

One of the best ways to ensure safety for yourself and the fantastic foliage around you, if you choose to partake in a little gorgeous green while out in the gorgeous green, is to make sure with 100% certainty that your bud is fully extinguished once you’re finished toking.  

Don’t be that guy. If you’re going to smoke, be responsible! 

One of the best ways to evade the risk of fiendish flames or sparks getting out of control is to avoid combustion altogether. Rather than trekking to camp with your entire stash box, why opt for the more convenient and safer option and vape instead?

Pyro Extracts THC Distillate Vaporizer Kits contain THC distillate-filled cartridges with reintroduced strain-specific terpenes. Not only do you have a high-quality taste and experience, but you also have the added benefit of not inhaling tar and carcinogens from joints.

Another benefit? You’ll be a friendly neighbour to your fellow campers on the trail. While we don’t have any trouble with the smell of dank weed smoke, other camping groups (especially those with children) might not take so kindly to smelling something so intense and pungent. 

Begin a good camper means respecting all those on the campgrounds, which leads to our third point:

DO Respect Your Fellow Campers 

Camping with weed can make for an incredible time, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of your fellow campers’ comfort or experience. 

While we respect every person’s right to indulge in their favourite herb, we must also extend that respect to those who would rather not. In other words, it’s totally fine to get a good buzz going and have fun, but do it in a way that enhances your experience without hindering someone else’s. 

It comes down to our parents’ lesson they so wisely taught us as kids: treat others as you would like them to treat you. 

With this in mind, keep noise at a minimum after certain nighttime hours, avoid the smell of weed wafting over to other campsites as best you can and don’t be obnoxious to your neighbours. 

It may require you to hide your high if there is some necessary interaction required. 

Pyro Vape Kits are also an excellent way for masking the smell of weed and blazing in a discreet and unopposing way that won’t draw any unnecessary attention your way. 

Ultimately, everyone is there for the universal reason of getting back to nature, enjoying your natural surroundings and spending some quality time with friends or family. 

That’s something where we can all relate! 

The Don’ts 

DON’T Go Adventuring too Hard

camping with weed the don'ts

As we said, getting high is a fun way to enhance your camping experience in nature. 

However, if you get particularly stoned, it’s best to remain close to, if not in, your campsite rather than try and push through and put yourself in risky or potentially dangerous situations. Weed has a way of impacting our mental and physical capabilities. 

In other words, it can slow your reflexes and impair your ability to think clearly and objectively. When taken in higher doses, some strains can even have nearly psychedelic effects, including auditory or visual hallucinations. 

So, if you feel like you’re tipping towards the higher end of the high scale, it’s best to avoid particularly challenging hikes or adverse terrain. Wait until you have had time to sober up. Give your head time to clear and your body time to get back to normal. 

Take this opportunity to have a cozy campfire, sing some songs, or just lie down on the ground and admire the wondrous natural world around you. 

For more tips on how to hike with cannabis check out our hide to hiking with weed here.

DON’T Forget to Pack Plenty of Water 

If you’re setting off on hikes or activities around the area or having a peaceful toke around the fire, be sure that you have brought plenty of water. 

Not only is it always a good idea to keep hydrated, but water also helps keep other side effects of smoking weed, such as cottonmouth, at bay. If you are going on hikes or other outdoor adventures while smoking weed, these two things coupled together can lead to an increased risk of dehydration

This element is especially crucial if you’re up high – and we mean literally and figuratively. A helpful rule of thumb is always to pack more water than you think you’re going to need. It’s always better to have too much than not enough. 

However, be sure to bring a reusable water bottle whenever it’s possible. It’s easily refillable, and it cuts down on waste, which leads us to our final point. 

DON’T Litter

camping with weed tips

This final tip ties into a common theme that’s consistently been touched on throughout this article – respect. 

Leaving litter behind is an unbelievably selfish and disrespectful thing to do for a multitude of reasons. First of all, it’s incredibly careless and rude to the park staff or follow-up campers who have to clean it up. 

Not only that, but depending on the specific items, leaving behind plastics and other non-biodegradable materials can be extremely harmful and potentially even life-threatening to wildlife. All in all, it’s a bad and super uncool thing to do. 

We get it. Camping with weed is a ton of fun and can lead to common side effects, like the munchies. All we’re asking is that you clean up after yourself when it’s time to go home. 

As we said from the jump, on top of treating others like you’d want to be treated, it’s about respecting our Mother Earth. So, again, don’t be that guy.

You want to leave the campground the same if not better than how you found it. That way, everyone can have as much fun and as stellar of a time as you did!  

After all, the primary objective is for everyone to enjoy the wilderness! 

Camping with Weed – An Authentic & Natural Experience 

There’s nothing quite like taking a deep breath of refreshing outdoor air before taking a long toke. Camping with weed is an incredibly engaging and enriching experience that every blazer should try at least once. 

Although, we almost guarantee that, after the first time, you’ll be coming back for more.

If you’re looking for a way to enjoy nature and weed in the most authentic way possible, we would highly recommend giving our Pyro Extracts Rosin a try. Our rosin extracts from only the highest quality, full-bud flower without the use of any solvents. 

In this way, it preserves the cannabinoids and terpenes naturally-occurring in weed for an authentic experience from beginning to end. Enjoy the way that weed was meant to be experienced with the added potency and convenience of a concentrate. 

Camping with weed is one of the best ways of getting back to nature with the help of nature. As long as you follow our golden rules and remember that it’s ultimately all about respect, you should have an epic and amazing time. 

Happy adventuring!

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