hide your high

How to Hide Your High Like a Pro with 5 Foolproof Tips

Learning how to hide your high around your friends and family is a prudent skill to learn for any toker. Even though weed has been legal in Canada for quite some time now, there’s still somewhat of a stigma surrounding cannabis. 

While some of your social circles might be okay with you being lifted, some of your other friends and family might not. 

Luckily for us, learning how to hide your high is a skill that greatly improves with time. The more often you’re high, the better you are at learning how to hide it! 

If you’re having a hard time keeping it together in front of your friends, check out these 5 tips to remember to hide your high and keep it hidden!

How to Hide Your High – 5 Foolproof Tips

Stop Laughing

how to hide your high

This one should be easy, but all of us have, at one point or another having an unstoppable giggle fit. We all know the one – the kind of laughter that hurts our stomachs, and every subsequent word makes us laugh harder and harder. 

What’s paradoxical about trying to stop laughing is that the more you try to hide it, the easier it is for it to come out! 

The best way to hide your high is to not draw any excess attention to yourself so if you have a spare moment, try to excuse yourself to get it out of your system before it becomes unstoppable. 

If you can’t find an excuse to get your giggles out, cover up your laughter by sharing a funny story at the same time. You’ll earn brownie points with your friends for sharing a knee-slapping story that’s so funny you can barely control yourself long enough to share it! 

Air Yourself Out

If you’re smoking dank weed, you’re going to reek like it, too. Even if you’re using a sploof to mask the smell, chances are your breath is going to stink heavily of marijuana. 

Usually, smoking outside while walking around is enough to keep the scent off of you. If you’re standing in one place and seshing with friends, then the smell has a higher chance of lingering on your clothes. 

Give yourself an ample amount of time to air out before going back inside. Better yet, grab a quick shower, a change of clothes, and brush your teeth to completely eliminate the smell. 

Don’t have time for a full shampooing? Try to wash your hands with fragrant soap. If you’re smoking a joint or a pipe, the smoke and resin from the weed might linger on your hands. 

On the go and don’t have access to soap, water, or change of clothes? Grab a stick of gum, get some cologne, or grab a fistful of pine leaves and smush it between your hands. These aren’t the most ideal methods of learning how to hide your high, but they’ll keep the scent off of you! 

If you don’t want to take all of these precautions, consider picking up a vape pen instead.


Vape pens are odourless and won’t leave any pungent smoke lingering around. The vapour dissipates almost instantly, and your breath will stay normal, too! 

Control the Munchies

We’ve all come to that shameful post-high clairvoyance where we come to realize just how much we ate while we were high. If you’re not in control, a small snack could snowball into a 5000 calorie feast! 

In addition to our insane appetites, eating while high can also cause us to make some pretty crazy food combinations. Deli meat with yogurt? Not a chance while we’re sober, but when we’re high? Sign us up! 

Okay, so your high cravings aren’t as weird as ours, but the advice still stands. 

If and when you get food, don’t devour everything in 3 bites. Be aware of what you’re eating, slow down, and be sure to chew before swallowing. 

Remember – the best way to hide your high is to not draw attention to yourself. The best way to do that is to eat as you would normally and not as if you were a castaway that’s just been reintegrated into society! 

Hydrate Your Eyes

weed red eye

One of the most obvious telltale signs of someone being stoned out of their minds is red eye. Smoking weed widens the blood vessels in your eyes, which is great for reducing the pressure in glaucoma patients but leads to blood-shot eyes that practically scream, “Hey, I’m high!”

A classic stoner remedy is to use eye drops. 

Putting a few drops into each eye is usually enough to make the worst of it go away but if it still persists, wear a pair of sunglasses instead. Sure, you might get weird looks for wearing shades indoors, but at least people won’t know you’re high! 

Don’t be Weird

Okay, easier said than done, right? We’re sure that every toker before has boarded a crazy train of thought when they’re high, leading many to have deep (albeit slow) conversations. 

This is one thing you don’t want to do if you want to hide your high, especially if you’re talking to sober people. That crazy conspiracy in your head that explains all of the world’s problems? Yeah, it’s probably best to keep those thoughts to yourself.  The idea might sound extremely plausible in your head, but once you translate your ideas into words, it’s likely that they’ll come out as word spaghetti. 

Keep it cool, calm, and collected around your friends or, if you can, find a nice quiet place to chill out and be alone. 

If you find yourself greening out and experiencing anxiety, the best thing you can do is either ask your guests to leave or excuse yourself until you calm down. Trying to keep it together while you’re having a panic attack or greening out is no easy thing to do, and you’re better off cooling off alone than in the company of others. 

Hiding Your High – An Essential Skill

While we all want to enjoy being high in peace, it’s necessary to learn how to hide your high to keep things PG around kids, your parents, and anybody else that might have a problem with weed.

Attending family dinners, work functions, and even being out and about on the town while high can lead to a lot of unwanted attention. Learning how to hide your high is not only great in your private life, it’s important for your public life, too. 

What do you do to hide your high? Does it involve any of the above techniques? Let us know in the comments!

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