high scale

High Scale – Where Do You Rank?

On a high scale of 1-10, what’s the highest you’ve ever been? What number would you describe your high scale when you had a double dose of some medicated brownies and greened out? 

For many of us, the psychoactive high we experience from weed and THC products is incredibly subjective. A seasoned toker’s 4 might be a beginner’s 9 on the high scale, so everyone’s experience is bound to be different. 

With that said, we thought it would still be worth the effort to try to put into words the different levels of “highness” all of us inevitably go through while enjoying our favourite icky sticky.

Whether you’re microdosing, macro dosing, or anywhere in between, here’s how we placed each level of stoned-ness on our high scale! 

On a High Scale of 1-10, How Stoned Are You?

1. Something’s There…

You’re not sure what you’re feeling, but it’s something. You might’ve taken a hit or two, but you’re still mentally and physically sound. 

There’s a slight tension in your head, your limbs are starting to feel a bit sluggish, and there may be a hint of energy felt, but overall everything is gravy.

Take a toke off your THC vape pen, or a hit off a joint and this is where you’ll be.

2. On the up-and-up

Something’s there, and by now, you know it’s weed. At this stage, you’re still lucid and in control of your surroundings. If there’s weed nearby, chances are you’re going to want to take another hit. 

You’ve bought your tickets, checked your bags and boarded the THC Express, and it’s almost time for lift-off! 

For many of us, this is the “almost high” stage. Finishing half of a small-sized joint should have you prepared to hit the skies.

3. High, but not Soaring

how high am i high scale

At this stage, you’re high. There’s no doubt about it. Your thoughts become spacier, your stomach gets hungrier, and your giggles become louder. 

With a level 3 kind of high, you’re having a good time. You’re still relatively lucid and in control. At this point, you have two options. Either cap it off here or go in for a few more tokes to really start soaring.

This is also the stage where edibles begin to have a discernible effect. After about 30 minutes to an hour, the edible you’ve eaten should start kicking in now. 

For novice tokers and beginners, this stage is also where many new to the game begin to grow cocky and overconfident. They think, “wow, so this is what being high feels like. I can definitely go higher,” and they’re not wrong for thinking so, either. 

The problem is when they bite off more than they can chew and quickly go from a 3 to a 6 in a matter of minutes (or an hour, if they decide to re-up on another edible).

4. Cruising Altitude 

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached our cruising altitude. 

At stage 4, you’re undeniably baked. Your focus is either zeroed in on one menial task or chore, or it’s all over the place. Your body is either brimming with energy or becoming increasingly heavier and heavier, depending on the strain you’ve smoked. 

Munchies, the giggles, and slight paranoia might set in as well, and this is when most recreational smokers would sit down, pick an activity, and thoroughly enjoy it in their elevated state. 

Smoke a full joint, take a rip off of a bong or take a few fat tokes off a vape to begin cruising. 

5. Ascent of Icarus

how stoned are you high scale

When you’re at level 5, you’re flying dangerously close to the sun. At this high scale level, those who are sober are going to know you’re high right away. You might have difficulty holding a conversation, stare off into space, or just be completely passed out. 

If you’re trying to ward off some insomnia and get some sleep, this is the level you want to be at before you pass out. Smoking a strong Indica like Death Bubba or Northern Lights will knock your body right out before you even know what hit it. 

To achieve level 5, you’ll need to clear 2 joints or 2 bong rips back-to-back or hit a small dab.

6. Beyond the Clouds

At this high scale level, you’re comically high. Think about every dumb stoner meme you’ve seen in your life. You know, the one where buddy responds to a cop by saying, “what seems to be the officer’s problem?”

While funny, this is when weed stops being fun and starts getting a little scary. 

For inexperienced smokers, fear, anxiety, and paranoia all begin to set in at this stage, but weakly. You’ll space out for minutes at a time and will have an incredibly tough time focusing on one train of thought at a time. 

A level 6 high is where you’ll go if you eat a regular edible dose, decide it’s not too strong enough, and then re-dose without allowing the previous edibles’ THC to activate fully. 

7. Stratospheric

cannabis high

This is the point of no return. Once you’ve gotten this high, forget about doing anything else for the rest of the day. Even when the high wears off, you’ll be incredibly groggy and potentially be in a slight haze until the next day. 

Once you’re in the stratosphere, there’s not much you can do other than sitting down and riding it out, which is exactly what you’ll be doing. Expect some severe couchlock at this high scale level. 

Random thoughts become the norm and you’ll want nothing more than to have your hands fist deep in a bag of chips. Experienced smokers can take a dab, eat a strong edible, or take 3 or more consecutive fat bong rips to get their gear into the stratosphere.

8. Spacey

You’re hearing sounds you don’t think are real. People are calling your name, but you’re not sure from where. You space out, and it takes a buddy shaking you to bring you down to earth. 

On the high scale, you’re in outer space. 

Once you’re at level 8, the effects of weed border on the psychedelic and if you’re not ready for it, you’re going to be in for a bad time. 

Hitting a dab, eating 2 potent edibles, or smoking a bowl of something incredibly strong will blast you off into space. 

9. Moon Rock-ed

You’re far out, and you either don’t know what’s going on anymore or have reached weed enlightenment. 

What do we mean by that? At level 9, your thoughts are so incoherent that you’ll be lost in a loop before you even know what’s happening. You could be watching Saving Private Ryan and have your train of thought completely derail onto an entirely different movie! 

Why are we here? Who are we meant to become? Get ready to become philosophical. Once you’re on the moon reflecting back on the tiny blue marble we call home, your thoughts are going to want to wax poetic. 

If you’re trying to enjoy weed, this is where you want to stop. Any further, and you’ll wish you didn’t.

10. Green out

green out

You’re done. Pack it up, kid. 

Level 10 is a green out, and if you’re here for the first time, congratulations! You’ve completed a rite of passage. 

In their earlier smoking days, many experienced tokers will have pulled the same rookie mistake as you – biting off more than you can chew.

Get ready for heart palpitations, potentially throwing up your lunch and intense paranoia at this stage. If this is your first time hitting a level 10, you’re going to feel like you have to go to the hospital. 

We believe you, a green out is no joke! But believe us when we say that green out happens to the best of us, and that the best thing you can do is to drink some water, have some food if you can, and pass out for a few hours until the THC can leave your system.

What to do if the Scale has Tipped Out of Your Favour 

If you do find yourself experiencing the unsavoury sensations of green out, it may feel like the end is near. It can be scary, we know, but try to relax, take a deep breath, and calm yourself down, because it’s all going to be okay. 

Whether you or someone you know is experiencing green out, it is your duty and responsibility as a conscious toker to be equipped with the proper knowledge of what to do and how to handle the situation. If you don’t, it’s all good. We’ve got you covered. 

Check out our article, “Green Out – Signs, Symptoms & Prevention,” to learn more about how to detect green out, the signs to look out for, how to treat it, and how to prevent it in the first place. 

A green out is a super unpleasant experience. The best way to ensure it doesn’t happen is to learn the proper prevention techniques. 

Stay safe and happy toking! 

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