
Surviving Cottonmouth – 5 Easy DIY Remedies

There’s nothing worse than trying to enjoy some dank weed mid-hike only to suffer from a dry and parched cottonmouth.  Anyone who’s had their fair share of cannabis, whether medical or recreational, is no stranger to the discomfort of this unpleasant feeling. 

Causing a dry mouth and at times, possibly even a sore throat, cottonmouth, can provide extreme discomfort, especially in new users. And trust us, nobody ever wishes to be struck by a cottonmouth. 

Luckily, this particularly strange yet unpleasant side effect of smoking weed is one of the many things researchers have been able to give the time of day and try to understand. While there currently is no cure (yet) for this uncomfortable sensation, there are a few techniques you can try yourself to make the experience a bit more palatable. 

Without any further delay, let’s jump right in and show you how and why cottonmouth happens and how you can avoid it!

Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System

Before we dive into cannabis and its ability to produce cottonmouth, it’s first important to understand how the cannabinoids in marijuana interact with our bodies.

The reason we can easily feel the effects of cannabis within seconds of inhaling it is that the phytocannabinoids in the cannabis plant fit into our physiology like a key to lock. 

Our bodies have their own native cannabinoids called endocannabinoids, and the system which houses and interacts with them is called the Endocannabinoid System. The Endocannabinoid System is a large regulator of several basic functions such as sleep cycles, appetite, memory consolidation, as well as immune response.

It is through our Endocannabinoid System where the phytocannabinoids from smoking or ingesting marijuana are absorbed and where they can produce their therapeutic effects

These particular phytocannabinoids often bind and interact with several CB1 and CB2 receptors located throughout our brain, digestive tract, skin, and nervous system, affecting us in different ways depending on the method of consumption.

How Cannabis Produces Cottonmouth

Cannabis and Cottonmouth

Scientists have also found that CB1 and CB2 receptors are also present in the Submandibular Glands, the saliva producing glands located under the tongue and at the bottom of your mouth. 

Interestingly enough, scientists have also found that the THC in cannabis is structurally similar to Anandamide, a fatty-acid neurotransmitter that is a signal messenger for the CB receptors in our bodies.

Because of this, it is thought that when the THC from cannabis binds to our receptors, it blocks the chemical signaling in the Submandibular Glands that tells our bodies to produce saliva. 

The result is dry mouth, which we know as cottonmouth.

Tips to Deal With Cottonmouth

If you regularly enjoy cannabis, the cottonmouth is going to affect you sooner or later. 

That said, it’ll help to be prepared when you do face off against it. Here are some tips and tricks to include in your smoking routine when it comes to fighting cottonmouth.

Keep Some Water With You

Whether you’re hustling through the city center, out camping, or chilling at home, keeping a bottle of water by your side can be a great way to soothe yourself of any dryness or irritation from smoking weed. 

Since water will only provide quick and temporary relief to the cottonmouth, you’ll want to sip on the water regularly to quell the dryness.

Chew on Something

If you’re someone who regularly keeps a stache of snacks on you, then perfect, you’re basically all set. 

Chewing on something with texture like gum or jerky can promote saliva production in the Submandibular Glands, giving you some extra water in your mouth to help combat the cottonmouth.

The strong sweet and sour flavors will also help to stimulate saliva production in your glands. Just be sure to avoid salty and spicy food since it can increase the dryness in your mouth and make you even more thirsty.

Have Some Cough Drops (Demulcents)

Have Some Cough Drops  to Combat Cottonmouth

Sucking on some hard candies or cough drops can help stimulate saliva production, in the same way, chewing on something does. 

If you can get your hands on some demulcents, they’ll be able to form a soothing film over your throat and mouth that can relieve minor pain and inflammation from the mucous membrane, which is especially vulnerable when smoking weed.

If you don’t have access to any of these products, you can create some ice cubes by freezing water and use them instead to help with the cottonmouth.

Herbal Tea

Herbal teas combine benefits of hydration from the water with the soothing capabilities of the tea in one package. Herbal tea is known to have calming effects and is excellent for helping fight infections while also protecting against oxidative stress.

How to make one for yourself? Simply steep your favorite herbal tea in some hot water and sip away to ease any cottonmouth irritation and pain. In addition to this, you can even include honey to your tea for an enhanced soothing effect.

Besides, you will also want to avoid these products:

Stay Away From These if you Have Cottonmouth

Alcohol and Caffeinated Beverages

Alcohol and caffeine are widely known to draw water out of the body. Since the two substances are diuretics, the kidneys will be forced to flush out even larger amounts of water than normal, possibly resulting in dehydration.

Avoid drinks such as coffee, energy drinks, black tea, pop drinks, and alcoholic beverages. This will help to reduce the effects of cottonmouth and combat dry mouth caused by smoking.



If you’re experiencing cottonmouth from smoking cannabis, it is better to avoid all tobacco products as they will reduce saliva flow, making the irritation even worse. 

In some cases, tobacco use can increase saliva thickness, which can negatively affect tooth protection and can cause teeth pigmentation and even coated tongue.

That’s why in order to minimize tooth decay and cottonmouth, it is better to stay away from tobacco products altogether.  

Dealing with Cottonmouth

Whether you are someone who relies on medical marijuana to treat your issues or is a casual consumer, cottonmouth affects even the best of us. 

If you think you are particularly susceptible to the irritation that can be brought on by cottonmouth, we recommend keeping some sugar-free gum and water with you when you decide to smoke. 

By doing so, you will ensure that your body stays hydrated and protected from the possible effects of cottonmouth, such as irritation and saliva reduction.


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