Is Weed Legal in Canada

Is Weed Legal In Canada?

Is weed legal in Canada? The answer is yes, with the legal age to consume being 19, but there’s much more to it than that.

Since the formal legalization of marijuana, the Cannabis Act has been split into two phases, with the Government in Canada struggling to grasp the cannabis industry’s horns fully. 

The Government in Canada may have formally made weed legal, but the rules and regulations that health Canada has imposed, have never been so strict.

Since the inception of government-controlled weed, many dispensaries in Canada have shifted to an online business model, offering an even more diversified range of products for a lower price than many government-operated dispensaries.

Keep on reading to learn more about Mail Order Marijuana and how you can save your time and money with online dispensaries.

Legal Weed in Canada

The legalization of cannabis in Canada wasn’t as slick as so many had hoped it to be. The Canadian Government had ushered in a 2 step process that hurt the diverse selection of products and charged higher prices.

On October 17, 2018, the Canadian Government made its first offerings to the public, including dried flowers, seeds, and cannabis oils.

The second phase of the Cannabis Act in Canada known as Cannabis 2.0 occurred a year later and provided consumers with more diversity in product selection. 

Although this may have seemed like good news on paper, the Canadian Government was slow in its approach and only offered many consumers what they had already seen but with less of a selection.

The Regulations of Cannabis Products

The advent of government-produced cannabis products introduced a new set of rules and regulations for many of them. Edibles were subjected to a limited amount of THC per package (10mg), which eventually spread to all other forms of cannabis products.

As you’re probably already aware, thousands of people use medical marijuana to mediate pain and provide themselves with some solace in their struggle. For anyone who requires more intense doses of THC to give them the therapy they need, government-issued cannabis products simply aren’t a viable option in terms of value and efficiency.

Judging from the math, if someone needs 200mg of THC for a single dose, eating 20 government-issued edibles is not only going to be extremely expensive but also inefficient and unsustainable, as many edibles are gummies and baked goods, meaning that eating them in excess could lead to their own slew of health complications.

Prefer vaping THC instead of eating and smoking it? We’ve got some (expensive) news for you. THC vape cartridges that have 0.5g of distillate within them can be as expensive as $7.50/0.1g! This isn’t exactly a light blow for the discerning toker on a budget. 

So how do you get around this? This is where online dispensaries come into play.

Mail Order Marijuana (MOM) Sites

Is Weed Legal in Canada? - MOMs

Mail Order Marijuana Sites are basically online dispensaries where you can browse the selection of recreational marijuana products online in the comfort of your own home. MOM sites will mail your cannabis directly to you, meaning that you don’t even have to leave the house to get your medical or recreational marijuana.

That said, for most cannabis consumers, especially seasoned veterans, MOM sites offer a more comprehensive range of products that are much more diversified, fresher, and, best of all, cheaper

MOM sites basically cut out the middle-man and, in return, allow you to purchase your cannabis at competitive prices while also maintaining the integrity and quality of their products.

Not only that, but Mail Order Marijuana also has the added benefit of unrestricted edibles, meaning that you don’t have to buy twenty 10mg brownies to get your proper dose. It can all be done with one serving. 

The unrestricted potency also isn’t the only thing that separates these Mail Order Marijuana sites from government dispensaries. They also have a greater selection of products, as we’ve previously mentioned. 

That means more exclusive rosins, exotic waxes, distillates and more effective topical products that you might not otherwise find at the dispensary.

Cannabis 2.0 Products

Let’s take a look at what’s new with the introduction of Cannabis 2.0 products:


Is Weed Legal in Canada? - Topicals

Cannabis topicals are in vogue. They’re among the most popularly growing cannabis products on the market today! 

Topicals can be used to treat localized inflammation, pain management, and soothe sore muscles and joints with the added benefit of moisturizing and enhancing the skin.

Many cannabis 2.0 topicals also have strict regulation of the types of ingredients that can be used in these products. Therefore, the selection in government dispensaries is reasonably limited. 

Your best bet for finding the right cannabis topicals is through online dispensaries as they have a more potent and diversified range of products to choose from.


Is Weed Legal in Canada? - Rosin

Rosin is a cult favorite, especially for those who enjoy making it themselves at home

Of all the concentrates, rosins are among the smoothest cannabis concentrates with a beautiful flavor profile to boot, making them one of the more premium cannabis products available to consumers. 

Although you can definitely make them at home, the process can be tedious and time-consuming.

Much like cannabis topicals, rosins are offered in government dispensaries, albeit within a limited range and at exorbitant prices. Alternatively, they are also offered at online dispensaries at much more agreeable rates with a wider range of combinations and potencies.


THC Distillate Ceramic Cartridge (Pyro Extracts)

Distillates are the future of cannabis concentrates. 

These products can reach upwards of 99 percent of THC and are made using the latest technologies to preserve purity and rich versatility of THC.

Distillates are also closely associated with the entourage effect. This effect is known to modulate the psychoactive effects of the plant and bring better results than other cannabis concentrates can do.

Pyro Kit

These products are offered in both government and online dispensaries. However, due to the limited variety, you won’t be able to find a wide range of these products  featured in legal dispensaries. Instead, we recommend you go online to the trusted dispensary and buy your distillates at better prices.

For example, let’s say you go to the Ontario Cannabis store. You will find cartridges for $47.95 per 0.5mg, which is quite expensive and overpriced compared to online dispensaries, which offer distillate cartridges for $35.00 per 0.5mg. 

Choose for yourself. Do you want to pay more when you can save and buy better quality cartridges for lower prices?

Where Should I Buy My Weed?

Looking past the product selection and the prices of the said products, many people in Canada are hoping for regulatory changes regarding cannabis to flow throughout all levels of legislation. 

As it currently stands, the legal weed industry in Canada is at a very restrictive place, which can be extremely difficult to maneuver through, to say the least.

That said, should you choose to purchase your recreational cannabis through online dispensaries, you’ll find there is much freedom in this landscape, as you can easily get your weed professional packaged and shipped to your door with discretion. 

Happy trails!

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