420 friendly

What is 420 Friendly & What Does it Mean?

Whether you’re a pot smoker or not, you have probably seen the term “420” or “420 friendly” inscribed on the walls of public toilets, on the subway seats, or you may have even heard it being used by some people on the streets. 

Seeing this cryptic arrangement of numbers begs the question﹣what does 420 friendly mean? 

Why the numeric code 420 and not some other combination of numbers? Just like 710, the four-twenty phrase is a hallmark of cannabis culture and the community. Now cemented into an urban legend, the power of four-twenty lives on throughout the world as a rallying cry for tokers everywhere. 

If you’re curious about the 420 meaning and it means when someone is “420 friendly,” stay tuned because today, we’re going to break down the mythos of this cannabis call to action! 

San Rafael High School﹣Where 420 Began

Many believe the origins of the number come from the police code for “marijuana smoking in progress.” However, most sources will tell you that the origins actually come from a little-known place in Marin County, California. 

Like many other high schools in America, their students just wanted to unwind, and smoke some weed after a long, arduous day at school. Five friends: Steve Capper, Dave Reddix, Jeffrey Noel, Larry Schwartz, and Mark Gravich﹣coined as “The Waldos” would meet up at 4:20 p.m. by the Louis Pasteur Statue to do just that. 

The Waldos chose this time and place because the statue would offer them a wall to lean on when the Waldos smoked and most school-approved extracurriculars typically ended around this time. 

Over the span of several years, the phrase 420 evolved into something more than the Waldos could have ever anticipated.

In an interview with TIME, Reddix said “We got tired of the Friday-night football scene with all of the jocks. We were the guys sitting under the stands smoking a doobie, wondering what we were doing there.” Rather than sit there wondering, they eventually began going on expeditions to entertain themselves while under the influence after 4:20 p.m. They called these adventures “safaris”.

Long story short, these gents unknowingly gave rise to a code that would be passed on for decades to come.

What Does 420 Friendly Mean?

420 friendly meaning

Now you might be wondering, what’s it mean to be “420 friendly”? Generally, it means that a place, business, or person is okay with marijuana. You may be reading this from a jurisdiction that’s already 420 friendly (or “legalized” if you want to be exact) and normalized cannabis wondering why it’s such a big deal to be 420 friendly? 

More places now are pro – 420 as a friendly gesture to fellow cannabis lovers. 

Although weed is legal, cannabis is still taboo for many people to smoke in public without explicit mention of the phrase listed somewhere. A person or place that presents as 420 friendly means they will tolerate nearby pot smoke/consumption.

The legalities of smoking cannabis are still very grey. In places where it is outright illegal to use cannabis, you may still see the term 420 friendly being used. 

If this is the case, it simply means that the person/place/establishment will turn a blind eye to marijuana usage. With that being said, although businesses don’t mind it, it’s a good idea to check if it is legalized in the state/province you are going to as well.

Where You Might See 420 Friendly

Hotel and Apartment Rentals

420 friendly is used not only as a way of communicating your tolerance of cannabis, but also can be used to brand some of your interests. Have you ever stayed at a hotel and wondered “I wonder if the neighbours would mind if I smoke some weed?” 

If your answer is yes, there’s good news for you! There will naturally be more places listed as 420 friendly if policies surrounding marijuana legalization continue to ease everywhere. 

Apartment owners on platforms like Airbnb are a growing group of people that have become beneficiaries from renting out to cannabis users in addition to their current clientele. This is especially true when people seek hotels in Canada and in cannabis-friendly states like California and Colorado.

Romantic Relationships

420 friendly is also a more popular tag for users on their online dating profiles. To some, this could entail leeway which suggests they like to smoke up, or could simply mean they are friendly to the idea of their partner dabbling in marijuana. 

Either way, if you are starting a relationship with someone (whether it be platonic or romantic) honesty is the best policy. 

Similar to hotels and apartment rentals, having a 420 friendly partner can be a benefit for those who would like to smoke every once and a while. Besides, nothing is worse than a buzzkill partner when you are trying to enjoy yourself! 

The Stigma of Being 420 Friendly

Maybe you aren’t looking for a romantic partner, and just want to smoke and meet people. 

A study published in 2020 by the Journal of American College Health interviewed 46 college students attending university and analyzed their thoughts of cannabis. This study had many astonishing findings. The researchers found the students focused on three key aspects when asked about marijuana usage: the identity of users, benefits of using, and social implications. 

The first aspect was the stigmatization of marijuana users. Participants often mentioned the stigmatization associated with using cannabis. 

Interestingly, the students noted that the stereotypes surrounding the behaviour of marijuana users being more laid back, creative, and open-minded rather than the physical characteristics of cannabis users. 

Perhaps this is true and having a 420 friendly friend would mean they are more tolerant and understanding. If you ask us, this is definitely a benefit when you are seeking out cool people to hang out with.

The second aspect of the study looked at perceived benefits from smoking pot. Obviously, the users preached the benefits of smoking pot. Astonishingly, the ones who did not smoke but were in support of it, justified the use of cannabis after they witnessed their friends benefit from it in social and medical situations. 

This is an interesting find because it shows that not everyone that is 420 friendly needs to be a user of cannabis. Many times, people can lump in non-smokers as anti-420. But as this point suggests, this belief is not true.

Finally, the third theme that emerged from interviewing these students was the social implications of using cannabis. 

The students in the study said that cannabis could serve as a chemically induced icebreaker for social events. A sizeable number of students said it was easier to socialize with people while under the influence and made them more talkative. These participants also sensed a stoner community on their university campus. This combination likely plays a factor into why some may consider cannabis as a social substance.

Why People Use the Phrase “420 Friendly”

As touched upon earlier, there are tons of cannabis-related reasons to be associated with it. 

As those students from the Journal of American College Health study suggested, cannabis has a subculture entangled with it. With a community full of friendly cannabis-smoking college students, “social engagement” (p.5) was a prominent theme in smoke circles. 

More broadly speaking, in relationships, this may be a deal-breaker for many people so it is good to be upfront about it. 

Similarly, there are loads of cannabis-friendly environments so it is great to get that worry of your travel itinerary during trip planning, rather than worrying about it for the plane ride there. So whether you’re out meandering a city or you’re planning a vacation look out for “420 friendly” signs!

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