Is 710 the Next Evolution of 420? Why 710 is Dab Day

The terms “710” and “dab day” aren’t as well known as 420, but they’re about to be! Today, coming across the expression “710-friendly” is likely still rare because not many people understand its meaning. 

However, as more and more tokers begin experimenting with cannabis concentrates, we could see all that changing very soon. 

The term 420 has a well-known origin story centred around cannabis culture

As the legend goes, a few high school students in the early 70s met up around 4:20 PM after class to smoke weed. That’s it. That’s the whole story. It’s a bit underwhelming, but it’s what we’ve got.

Still, the phrase caught on like wildfire and spread throughout the years until it eventually became internationally recognized as both a time and a date to get high. 

So what is 710, how is it related to 420, and why is it poised to become the next stoner holiday? 

Let’s find out!

What is 710?

dab day
Source: 420tours

Just like the term 420 was used as a codename to organize a smoke sesh, 710 also has its roots grounded in weed, albeit in a different form than standard flower. 

Cannabis concentrates, routinely referred to as cannabis oils or dabs, is what 710 focuses on instead. 

More specifically, 420 refers to both the 4/20 date (April 20th) and the time 4:20 PM where tokers would light a joint or rip a bowl.

Unfortunately, this didn’t leave much room for those who enjoyed dabbing cannabis concentrates such as rosin and distillate. Cannabis oil products didn’t exist back in the 70s, so it makes sense why they weren’t included in the original 420 phrasing. 

That’s where “710” comes in. 

If you flip the word “OIL” upside down, it looks exactly like “710.” You can type 710 into your smartphone’s calculator and flip it around, and you’ll be able to see what we’re getting at. 

Nifty, huh? Wait until you see what 80,085 spells. Go ahead and try. We’ll wait.

The 710 movement, as we’ve touched on briefly above, focuses on cannabis oils and dabs instead of dried flower and joints. 

Now, dabbers everywhere now have their own exclusive time and date dubbed “dab day” to take their fat hits and celebrate the brilliance of cannabis oils! 

Where Does 710 Come From?

where does 710 Dab day come from

The origins of 420 are clear cut and dry, much like the flower it’s associated with. That said, the where and how surrounding 710 remain somewhat of a mystery. 

Many try to claim cultural ownership over the term. Competition over cannabis terms isn’t a new concept, as the origins of moon rocks, a hybrid flower and weed oil concentrate, is still being debated to this day. 

The earliest references of 710 come from the rapper, Taskrok. Under the group name of Task & Linus, the band released a song titled “The Movement” on July 10th, 2011. In the track, multiple references to dabbing and cannabis oil are mentioned. 

Cannabis concentrates remained a niche product in the early 2010s, so Taskrok’s song undoubtedly signalled the beginnings of a cannabis oil movement. 

Cannabis oil and cannabis concentrate products such as distillate, shatter, and other BHOs would soon blow up and take over the cannabis world by storm in the mid-2010s. 

Other tracks also included in Task & Linus’ “The Movement” include oil-centred tracks, such as “Boil That Oil,”  and of course, “7:10.” 

In this way, it could be argued that Taskrok was the one to start the 710 movement. 

However,  he’s hesitant to claim full ownership over the term. In an interview a few years back, Taskrok says that as the term 710, just like the term 420, has become extremely commercialized, he wanted to state 710 “belongs to the community.” 

Examples of 710 Products 

As we outlined before, the primary difference between 420 and 710 is the products behind the phrase. 

So, while 420 is all about the smoke sesh and indulging in some righteous herb the good old fashioned way through joints, blunts, bongs and bowls, 710 is all about cannabis oils and concentrates and dabs. 

As such, below are some examples of 710 products to celebrate the occasion right. 


710 shatter

Shatter is an excellent choice for dabbing because it is well known for its easy handling and low degradation rate. 

The definition of shatter lies in its name. It’s a brittle cannabis extract that looks like golden yellow glass. Shatter is created using butane extraction, resulting in a THC content between 70 and 90%. 

Shatter is notorious in the cannabis community for its potency and flavour. With THC concentrations this high, it’s definitely not for the faint of heart. 

While there are multiple ways on how to smoke shatter, vape pens and dab rigs are by far the most popular. 

To smoke shatter using a dab rig, you simply take a small piece of the concentrate and apply it to the dabber. Then, heat the nail with a blow torch until it’s red hot. Slowly pull the dome over the nail so that the heat vaporizes the shatter. 

If you don’t have the resources to access or afford a dab rig, a vape pen poses a fantastic alternative. They’re portable, much more straightforward to use compared to a dab rig, and are much more discreet. 


Rosin is a fan favourite in the world of cannabis concentrates due to its potency and easy DIY nature. In other words, it’s one of the simplest and most straightforward cannabis concentrates for making yourself at home. 

This fact is because the creation process for making rosin uses only heat and pressure to manufacture. Unlike other concentrates, rosin doesn’t require using harsh chemicals or solvents like C02, butane or ethanol. 

Instead, rosin is made by pressing and heating weed buds until all the oil and other compounds are extracted and collected. 

You can load rosin into vapes, hash pipes, dab rigs, or even sprinkle some in a bowl for some extra oomph. 

Suppose you aren’t feeling the call of creativity and want to skip making it yourself. In that case, there’s Pyro Extracts Rosin

Pyro Extracts Rosin uses only the best quality of sifts during the extraction process to produce a high-quality product that will take your dab day to the next level!


While this term may sound scientific and complex, THC and CBD distillate are not a new-world concept. 

Their name is derived from the extraction process, which involves using short-path distillation technology to produce the final product. Essentially, cannabis distillates are a highly concentrated form of cannabis that is typically flavourless. 

However, some producers will reintroduce terpenes to stimulate flavour later on in the creation process. 

The beauty of distillate is in its potency, with THC distillate coming in at a THC content of 80-90%. It’s in the big leagues, so if you’re looking to use THC distillate products, you should already be familiar with the effects of weed and have some experience under your belt. 

Distillates are versatile products that can be consumed in numerous ways, including dabbing, vaping, smoking, edibles and topicals. 

Pyro THC Distillate Vaporizer Cartridges contain reintroduced strain-specific terpenes that provide a potent THC dose without sacrificing flavour for a well-rounded experience. 

Each cartridge contains 0.5ml of premium THC distillate to provide a perfect alternative to smoking weed while also being sleek and discreet. 

710 – Is Dab Day the Next 420? 

Cannabis concentrates are growing in popularity by the day. As such, the 710 community continues to grow as more and more tokers switch over to the tasty, healthy benefits of vaping dabs. 

420 originally had its beginnings as a codeword for highschool kids to get high, but it’s also been used as an organized day of protest against prohibitive cannabis laws. Today, it’s a day of celebration across the country for Canadians everywhere to spark and smoke up. 

The primary advantage of making the switch from standard flower to extracts and concentrates lies in the cost efficiency, potency and safety of concentrates. 

Many concentrates require laboratory-grade equipment to create them, meaning that the products you’re purchasing from a dispensary have likely gone through various safety procedures to be deemed safe enough for consumption, providing a safe and easy product. 

Not only that but if it’s potency you’re after, regular flowers have nothing on cannabis concentrates! While they may be a bit pricier, you get more bang for your buck and increased longevity of usage when switching to these items, producing a more intense high. 

Finally, through accessories such as THC vape pens and CBD vape pens, users have a safer alternative to smoking without having to worry about ingesting potentially harmful plant matter, tar and carcinogens for a worry-free experience. 

So, with all of these benefits, could 710 become the next 420? 

In some places, it already has! 

July 10th “Dab Day” events have already been running for a number of years now. In California, a dab day celebration takes place every year with live music, live art and glassblowing. 

In Phoenix, Arizona, there’s a 710 competition dubbed the “710 Degree Cup” that focuses on judging and evaluating concentrates with a whopping 31 different categories! 

710 events may not be as prolific or as numerous as 420 ones, but as tokers realize the benefits of switching to alternative cannabis consumption methods such as distillate vape pens, we could soon see 710 being celebrated as enthusiastically as 420!

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