cannabis culture guide

Cannabis Culture – The Best Practices Behind Smoking

Cannabis culture – one of the things that makes weed so fun and easy-going is the community, people, and culture behind the plant we all know and love.

Decades of trial and error have laid down the foundation of what you see today in modern cannabis culture.

From global smoke sessions brought to you by 420, to cannabis cups where strains are rated and judged, cannabis culture has permeated through waves of prohibition and demonization, giving us stoners and cannabis patients an environment where we can joke around, share useful information, and organize cannabis-inspired events and meetups.

So What Exactly Is Cannabis Culture?

Starting in the 1960s, what was known as the glory days of cannabis culture and is what planted the seeds of many of the beliefs and freedoms we have around cannabis today.

During that time, North America was defined by an era of counter-culture movements and the hippie revolution, with massive events like the Woodstock Festival serving as the Mount Olympus of the two, being a prime example of cannabis culture in its best light.

In the end, the 1960s counter-culture and hippie movements birthed several modern events like the infamous 4/20 and influenced various art genres such as stoner genres of movies and comedies, as well as a hip-hop, reggae, and psychedelia styles of music.

cannabis culture events

Today, cannabis culture represents the atmosphere surrounding the social beliefs and behaviors associated with the consumption of cannabis as recreational and medical products.

In recent years following its legalization, cannabis has gained a tremendous amount of traction among mainstream audiences, developing and evolving its own genre of language, humor, etiquette, and art.

From the creation of some of the funniest stoner memes to the spread of practical medical advice regarding cannabis, cannabis culture serves as a welcoming environment in which cannabis enthusiasts, whether recreational or medical users can connect with one another and form a sense of community.

cannabis culture

With cannabis now legal in many areas across North America, many of the people in the cannabis community are utilizing the internet to facilitate meetups to help create opportunities to strengthen local business and economies, spread informative advice and history about the drug, as well as create long-lasting connections with others who find themselves in the industry.

While cannabis consumption is a large part of cannabis culture, the community around cannabis culture also strives to spread the understanding of marijuana and its products, and apply science to their own experiences to help out others along the way. That said, the communities surrounding cannabis culture are a rapidly growing population that has never been bigger than what it is today!

Cannabis Etiquette and Practices

reefer madness

For the most part, cannabis culture revolves around the consumption of weed. And with the consumption of weed, there are a handful of unspoken rules each and every cannabis enthusiast has familiarized themselves with. That said, a large part of cannabis culture is attached to the etiquette around the smoking ritual, especially when in groups or public spaces.

Group sessions are a quintessential way of enjoying cannabis and having a good time, and knowing what to do and what not to do can make or break the whole experience. To help you hit the ground running we’ve devised a list of the unspoken rules each and everyone consuming cannabis should know about.

10 Smoking Rules of Cannabis Culture

No Peer Pressure

This is a big one. If someone doesn’t want to smoke, they don’t need to. No one likes to be forced into doing something they’re against anyways. Besides, all that means is less for them and more for you.

Take Turns, Share the Joint

Sharing is caring when smoking in groups. The price of weed can expensive, especially when you’re dealing with high-quality bud. Try not to hog the joint for too long, and if you tend to forget, the general rule is puff, puff, pass.

Keep Your Drool to Yourself

Slobbering all over the joint or mouthpiece is a no-go. Just as much as you wouldn’t want to wrap your mouth around someone else’s slobber, they wouldn’t want to for yours as well. Try to keep things dry, and if you can’t, practice non-contact methods of smoking where your mouth doesn’t touch the joint.

Don’t Share When Sick

If you’re sick, stick to your own joint or sit the sesh out. If you’re sick, do not bring it to the smoke circle, inform the group and smoke your own personal joint.

Don’t Talk Too Much

You’re burning precious weed the longer you let it sit on fire. For the consideration of your time and money as well as other’s, keep the flow going and try not to talk up a storm while everyone is taking a hit. Save it for after.

Clear Out The Cashed Bowl

It’s inconsiderate and rude to pass a bowl of ash or unsmokable leftovers to the next person in line. If you think you’ve cashed the bowl out, remove the remains to ensure the next person is getting a fresh batch.

Roller’s Rights

Whoever rolled the joint gets first dibs. The rule applies to a bowl, whoever packs it gets the first hit.

Pass It To The Left (Clockwise)

The standard of many smoke circles is to pass the joint to the left and go in a clockwise direction. Simple and easy.

Watch Where You Blow Your Smoke

It’s common consideration to blow your smoke in a direction away from people. Whatever you do, do not blow smoke in anyone’s face, it’s rude and shows a lack of etiquette.

Just Chill

Remember, you’re there to have a good time. These rules are a general guideline to ensure everyone is treated respectfully and has their fair share of weed. Don’t forget to Relax and enjoy yourself!

Cannabis Culture – More Than Just Events

For decades, cannabis has been viewed in a negative light thanks to the mass demonization of it in the early 1900s. Now that it’s been largely legalized, it’s as though we’ve been given a second chance at representing cannabis and the culture behind it.

All in all, marijuana has impacted thousands of people for the better and has created a sense of community with a rich history behind it. To make sure marijuana is here to stay, let’s make sure we represent it in a good light.

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