
Budder – Breaking Down a Classic Concentrate

If you’re familiar with cannabis extracts, you likely already know that they come in a vast assortment of forms and consistencies, with budder being just one example.

If you’re new to the wonderful world of weed, that’s okay, too! We’re here to spell it out for you as simply as possible.

Before, and even for a short while after, the official legalization of marijuana for recreational and medicinal use in Canada, cannabis flower was the only permitted form of weed that users could access. However, following the Cannabis Act, and with the updated legislation of Cannabis 2.0 in 2019, other products were made available for purchase.

These items included edibles and cannabis concentrates and extracts. Much to the delight of feed lovers across the Great White North, this ruling opened the doors to many opportunities for enjoying their favourite icky sticky.

Cannabis extracts, particularly, pose a plethora of pot-infused possibilities through the different forms and consistencies they come in.

Today, we will be focusing on one specific extract, budder. 

Budder has quickly become a fan-favourite among the cannabis community for its malleable consistency and versatility regarding how you can use it.

But what is budder, and why is it so popular?

Sit back and relax. We’re going to break down any barriers surrounding bodacious and beautiful budder to have you babbling and buzzing with benevolent bewitchment of its many blissful benefits!

Shall we begin? You budder believe it!

What is Budder?

what is budder

Put simply, budder, also known as budder wax, is a form of cannabis extract. More specifically, it is a form of cannabis wax, as the other name would imply. 

However, different products fall under the cannabis wax category, including honeycomb, crumble, and others.

Are you confused? Don’t be. In tune with the famous State Farm jingle, like a good neighbour, Pyro Extracts is here!

The trick to understanding budder comes with comprehending the importance of consistency and texture. In other words, think of budder as falling right smack dab in the middle on the texture spectrum between the aforementioned honeycomb and crumble.

For context, honeycomb has the consistency of its namesake. It is light and airy and easily broken apart. Crumble also does exactly what its name implies. It crumbles, which makes it very easy to break apart with your hands, as well.

Budder, on the other hand, although it’s light, does not have as brittle of consistency as honeycomb. And it doesn’t break up into chunks or crumbs like crumble does, either. 

If you want to divvy up this cannabis extract, you’ll need to use a dabber to smoke it appropriately. So, in this way, you can’t break it apart by hand.

This fact is because budder has a slightly waxy texture while being smoother than its counterparts. It closely emulates the consistency and texture of regular butter you would cook with, hence the playful name.

However, budder is not to be confused with another similarly named cannabis product, cannabutter, which you would use to create edibles. Cannabutter is created using regular butter infused with a special ingredient, your favourite bud. Alternatively, budder is a cannabis extract in its own right.

Budder typically comes in amber or yellowish colour with a creamy consistency produced using complicated processes, which we will outline in greater detail below.

How is Budder Made?

how is budder made

Unlike other cannabis concentrate or extract products that you can make at home, such as hash or rosin, the process of creating budder is much more involved and definitely more dangerous, requiring a lot of sophisticated equipment to create it accurately.

The process is deemed unsafe for regular consumers because it involves using highly-flammable chemical solvents to “blast” through the weed to extract the THC, which is later “purged” with heat and air pressure to remove the solvent from the final product.

These same methods can be used to create other concentrates, such as shatter and crumble, but produce very different results.

Two primary solvents can be used in the budder extraction process, CO2 or butane. However, that said, butane is considered the best solvent to achieve the specific creamy consistency of budder.

Basically, the process starts with taking finely ground cannabis buds and placing them in a specialized airtight, elongated tube. In this container, the weed is covered in either butane or CO2.

Applying a ton of pressure, the cannabinoids and terpenes present in the cannabis are separated from the rest of the plant matter and attach to whichever liquid solvent is being used. 

From there, the cannabinoid, terpene, and solvent mixture is transported into an oven-like container that is also airtight.

At this stage, the mixture is exposed to extremely high temperatures and air pressure levels to purge the solvent from the mix, leaving only the cannabis compounds remaining.  When done professionally and with the appropriate high-tech equipment, the end product will produce roughly 99.6% pure budder.

As the product begins to crystalize, the product is whipped much like whipping cream or cake batter to achieve the desired, delectable buttery consistency.

How to Use Budder

As we said before, what draws many tokers to budder is its versatility. It’s also easy to use. 

If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on some premium budder, here are a few examples of how to use it:



Arguably the most popular method of consuming budder is by using a dab rig. A dab rig is a smoking device consisting of several parts that use a dab nail instead of cannabis nugs. In terms of how to use it, scoop a bit of budder with your dab tool onto the nail.

Then, spark up your heat source and put the flame to the nail. From there, it’s mostly about inhaling as much smoke as physically possible. When dabbing, you should use a relatively low temperature. When the nail gets red hot, wait for it to cool down before you add the budder.

It is also incredibly vital to note that the hit from a dab of budder will be MUCH more potent than a hit from your average joint, blunt, or vape. This is because you’re burning a cannabis extract that is concentrated. All you’re ingesting are the cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and trichomes, without any excess plant matter.

So, keep this in mind if you choose to dab, and remember that less is more.

In a Joint

If you’re looking to take your smoking experience to the next level and want to give things an extra kick, try adding some budder in while you’re rolling your next joint

This process is commonly referred to as twaxing or rolling a twax joint. However, the term ‘twaxing’ refers to the practice of adding any cannabis concentrate into a joint and is not unique to just budder.

To do this, simply break apart the desired amount of budder you would like to use with a dabbing tool and sprinkle it on top of the flower that’s already inside the joint. Make sure that it is evenly distributed throughout the joint and continue rolling as you normally would.

This method is sure to promote a puff, puff, pass experience that you won’t soon forget.

In a Vaporizer


Quickly becoming one of the most popular methods of enjoying regular flower and cannabis concentrates and extracts, vaporizers are an excellent way to dose on the go due to their portability, discreetness, and convenience.

They also pose a healthier and safer option to smoking, such as using joints or blunts. However, not all vapes will work with every type of concentrate or extract. So, make sure you are using one that can accommodate budder. 

A vaporizer will heat the budder to the point where the cannabinoids, terpenes and other active compounds will turn into a vapour that you can then inhale. 

Budder – A Little Goes a Long Way

If you’re looking to try budder for the first time, start low and go slow. We cannot stress this enough. As with many other cannabis extracts, it will not take a lot to feel the effects, and novice tokers will likely be surprised at just how powerful they can be.

In terms of making your own budder, we would recommend leaving that to the professionals. Using corrosive and highly-flammable materials such as butane can be incredibly dangerous and even potentially deadly if not handled correctly.

That said, there is a reason why budder is one of the most highly sought-after extracts. It is potent, malleable, and versatile. You can sprinkle it in a joint, put it in a vaporizer, or adhere to the traditional go-to method of using a dab rig.

Whichever you choose, make sure that you are purchasing your budder from a reputable and reliable dispensary. It takes a lot of effort and expertise to safely and properly create these products, and you want to ensure that they are entirely solvent-free and safe to consume.

As always, have fun and stay safe!

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