smoke weed every day

Smoke Weed Everyday – The Benefits and Drawbacks

From pain-relieving and energy-boosting to mood-lifting and sleep-inducing, cannabis has a variety of beneficial effects, but should you smoke weed everyday? 

Popularized by the rapper turned weed entrepreneur Snoop Dogg, the phrase” smoke weed everyday” has long been used by the cannabis community to express their love and admiration for the great cannabis leaf. 

However, is it actually a good day to be smoking weed every day? Although weed has been used for centuries around the world, the long-term effects of cannabis aren’t quite conclusive. After all, science has only just begun to peek into the mysteries of this wonderful plant now that research restrictions have been lifted. 

So, should D-O-G-G smoke weed everyday? Or would it be a better idea altogether to limit yourself to a few sporadic sessions? Well, you can decide for yourself! Here are three reasons why you should smoke weed every day and three for why you shouldn’t!

Should You Smoke Weed Everyday? The Benefits

Depending on your lifestyle and objectives with cannabis, your reasons for smoking weed every day could be entirely medicinal. Already, tens of thousands of people around the world are using weed or hemp-based products to treat everything from chronic pain to inflammation

So, should you still be smoking every day even if you’re smoking weed for recreational or non-medicinal purposes? Here are three reasons you should!

Morning Energy Boost 

Tokers everywhere will be familiar with the term “wake and bake” – you might even engage in the practice yourself! The wake and bake routine involves seshing up right when you wake up. 

While this might sound like a horrible way to start the day, don’t judge us too fast. If you’re a weed aficionado, then you’ll know that not all strains make you couch-locked or lazy! Some strains, ones that have THCV in particular, can actually have some early morning benefits. 

For starters, THCV has been found to boost energy, increase focus and stimulate creativity

If you dread the afternoon caffeine crash or just want to avoid coffee altogether, starting your day off the green way might be the solution for you!

Optimal Brain Health

smoke weed everyday benefits

Weed has many benefits. One of its most important but least well-known is its ability to promote brain health. While Reefer Madness folks would argue that weed rots the brain, the opposite is actually true. 

Neuroscientists have found that cannabis use can actually offer neuroprotective traits. This means that regular weed use could slow down your body’s cognitive decline and keep your brain running at an optimal state for longer! 

Smoking weed everyday is a fun routine, but who knew it could offer so much protection, too? 

Appetite Stimulant 

Breakfast is said to be one of the most important meals of the day. While many people now choose to skip breakfast or fast until lunchtime, breakfast does actually offer some cognitive benefits. In fact, researchers have discovered that students who had breakfast were able to improve their grades!

However, many of us are either not hungry in the morning or too busy to sit down and eat. 

At Pyro Extracts, we believe that as long as there’s a will, there’ll be a way.

Cannabis is renowned for being an appetite stimulant. After all, who could forget the munchies? If you smoke weed everyday, you could choose to make it a morning ritual. If you can find the time to wake and bake, you’re likely to also find the time to make breakfast for yourself to satisfy your hunger.

Why You Shouldn’t Smoke Cannabis Everyday

While smoking weed everyday has many benefits, it has an equal amount of drawbacks. Before you head out to your nearest dispensary and pick up a dime bag, consider these three reasons to not smoke weed on the daily 

Slightly Affects Memory

Have you ever started a train of thought while high and have it completely derailed after a few seconds? Well, it turns out that weed can actually have a minor impact on your short-term memory. One study, which looked at the cognitive function of 3,5000 Americans over 25 years, found that participants that used cannabis frequently had worse short-term and verbal memory. 

Fortunately, only verbal and short-term memory was affected. General cognition and brain function remained the same.

Increased Tolerance

smoke weed everyday cons

The more you use cannabis, the less potent it gets. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. If you’ve ever taken a long tolerance break before, then you’ll know firsthand how hard even a small joint can hit you after a long hiatus. 

If you smoke weed everyday, it’s only a given that your cannabis tolerance will be shot. Whether it’s smoking, edibles, or concentrates, you’ll need more weed to get high. But if you’re already blazing up everyday, then this probably won’t be a big deal for you! 

Risk of Addiction 

While weed is not physically addicting, it can be habit-forming and psychologically addicting. If you smoke weed to feel sleepy before bed, you might have to start blazing up before you sleep every time just to maintain the ritual.

Smoking weed every day can increase your risk of forming a psychological addiction to the high. You might feel like you’re not at your best without smoking up first or that some activities aren’t as fun if you’re not high. If you miss a sesh or forget to blaze up, you might even suffer from weed withdrawal

The risk of addiction to cannabis is real. Even though it’s not physically addicting, it can be psychologically addicting. Remember to monitor your use and seek support if cannabis use starts to interfere with your relationships, hobbies or work.

Is it Worth it to Smoke Weed Everyday?

Well, folks, we’ve reached the end, and we’re nowhere closer to answering the question of whether or not you should be smoking weed every day.

Honestly, it’s entirely up to you. As with anything else in life, there are pros and cons to every lifestyle choice and decision you make. We can’t put ourselves in your shoes so it’s up to you to determine the best course of action for yourself. 

No matter your choice, remember to practice safe and responsible consumption. Whether you smoke weed everyday or not isn’t as important as your physical and mental wellbeing. Remember to look after yourself and take care. Happy trails!

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