
Managing the Munchies – Tips and Tricks

Tokers from all walks of life will be familiar with munchies. It’s the feeling of almost insatiable hunger that seems to make even the most bizarre and outlandish foods seem absolutely delicious. Greek yogurt and deli meat? Yum. 

Depending on the strain, the intensity of munchies can range from peckish to absolutely famished. Usually, it’s the stronger-hitting indica strains that cause us to gorge. That said, you should still be wary of sativa strains!

Still, the chances are that regardless of what strain of weed you blaze and no matter the form, you’re going to run into the munchies sooner or later. However, that doesn’t mean you’re forced to gorge every single time you smoke up!

Luckily, we’ve developed a guide for how to manage the munchies. So, let’s get into it!

What are the Munchies? What Causes the Munchies?

The ‘munchies’ is the slang term created by the cannabis community that describes the heavy hunger resulting from ingesting weed or weed products. On top of stimulating appetite, weed also increases sensory perception and can actually serve to enhance the flavour and textures of all foods!

Weed munchies are the reason why that cheap delivery pizza tastes so good or how many of us can manage to clear a family-sized bag of chips all by ourselves in one sitting. 

We know that weed causes the munchies, but what is it specifically inside the plant that causes us to feel hungry? What actually causes the munchies?

Like most other things, the answer is based on science. 

In the human body, a hormone called ghrelin helps to regulate hunger levels. When our body needs food or if our stomachs have been empty for too long, high levels of this hormone are released to let us know that it’s time to get some grub in us. 

Well, it turns out, when we ingest THC, this hormone is released in bulk! This hormone is one reason why we get so hungry after sparking one up. It’s also why cannabis is such a great appetite stimulant for patients undergoing chemotherapy and other treatments that suppress appetite.

However, it doesn’t stop at the stomach! 

Another compound within our bodies, POMC neurons, are blocked from doing their job when we’re high. These neurons tell our brains when it’s time for us to slow down on fueling up. In other words, these neutrons let us know when we’re actually full.

With THC suppressing these neutrons, we never really feel “full” despite filling our stomachs with an entire pantry’s worth of food!

How to Stop Weed Munchies

how to stop the munchies

While it can be fun to eat and enjoy your favourite (or all) foods when you’re high, doing this on the regular can lead to some pretty disastrous results for your health. 

Weight gain, diabetes, and becoming psychologically dependent on consuming weed before eating a meal are all examples of some pretty real risks. 

So, if you want to avoid the munchies from affecting your life too much, here are some tips to help you cope!

Eat Before You Blaze

Since we know that THC releases ghrelin and blocks our POMC neurons from firing, we know that eating before smoking up is technically not supposed to work. 

However, based on anecdotal evidence, we can tell you that it all depends on how “satisfied” you feel after a meal. 

If all you’ve had to eat before a sesh is a scooped-out bagel and a small handful of raisins, you better believe your bad self is going to absolutely gorge itself when you’re high. However, if you have a dense block of pasta and bolognese sauce taking up space in your stomach, you’re not going to want to eat, no matter how hungry you feel. 

Why? Because you’re going to feel physically sick. In other words, your mind will be willing, but the body will refuse. 

Another tip we have based on that logic is having a few cans of sparkling water nearby. Carbonated drinks can make you feel physically full while also being low in calories and sugar! 

Have Healthy Snacks

Okay, so if you can’t control yourself and have to chew on something when you’re high, you might as well chew on something healthy. 

Carrot sticks, celery, and even cucumbers are great to snack on and also provide a nice, enjoyable crunch that’ll make downing each one more satisfying than the last. 

Pairing these greens with a small side of ranch dressing could mean the difference between 500 calories and 5,000 calories! 

Stay Hydrated

If you can’t stop indulging yourself and don’t want to eat before camping with weed, smoking sesh or hiking, the least you could do is drink lots of water and stay hydrated. Drinking water will fill your stomach and make eating more food than you responsibly should almost impossible. 

Not only will drinking water help keep your mind off of the munchies, but it’ll also help you deal with the cottonmouth that frequently follows in weeds’ footsteps! 

The Munchies – Surviving the Hunger Attack

The munchies aren’t a death sentence, but they’re also not something you’re going to want to go through if you’re trying to stay health-conscious or have fitness goals you’d like to reach.

Do you think you have a strong mentality and robust willpower? The munchies are all a mind game. Even though we physically and mentally know what’s going on with bodies and the chemical process behind these changes, many of us are still powerless to resist the sweet comfort and embrace of food. 

Hey, there’s no shame in that. There’s a reason why weed is such a valuable tool as an appetite stimulant for medical patients, after all! 

However, if you want to do your best to minimize the effects suffering from a munchies attack can have on you, just remember these 3 things:

  • Eat before you blaze
  • Have healthy snacks
  • Stay hydrated

Even if you can only manage to do one of these 3 things, we guarantee you’ll be better off than not doing any at all! 

Happy toking, and eat responsibly!

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