Cannabis Extracts

What are Cannabis Extracts? Four Types You Need to Know

With so many types of cannabis extracts available today, it can be overwhelming to see a list of fancy names and complex terms that don’t make any sense.

Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who can feel lost at times! 

To help you navigate through this complex world of cannabis extracts, we’ve curated a list of extracts you need to know about in order to enjoy cannabis to the fullest. 

Stay with us to learn the key details about cannabis extracts, including what makes different types special. By the end of this article, you’ll understand the key terms you need to know so that you can be an expert extract enthusiast!

What are Cannabis Extracts?

Cannabis extraction is both an art and a science. Just like with growing fantastic cannabis strains, it takes expertise to create great cannabis extracts. 

So, what are cannabis extracts, and how are they made?

In a nutshell, cannabis extracts are cannabis products created through extracting and concentrating desirable compounds from the cannabis plant. By extracting and concentrating key compounds such as the aromatic terpenes and cannabinoids from the plant, cannabis extracts are able to deliver a purer, more potent cannabis experience. 

Cannabis extracts come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and textures. The solvent, processing steps, and even the extraction process itself play a large role in determining the cannabis concentrate being made.

You may also spot extracts called cannabis concentrates, and there are many different types of these available on the market. The various consistencies and textures of concentrates are generally described in the product name itself, such as for example, wax or shatter. 

So, there is an extensive variety of extraction methods out there, producing all the unique cannabis concentrates!

The Extraction

cannabis extracts process

Cannabis extracts could be made using two main methods: solvent-based and solventless.

Solvents are liquids or gases that physically assist with extracting cannabinoids and terpenes. The most commonly used solvents are water, ethanol, carbon dioxide (Co2), and butane.

Aside from a few specific varieties, creating marijuana concentrates is best left to the experts who have the training and equipment needed to create them safely. 

These extractions are complex processes requiring specific expertise and safety standards. 

Benefits of Cannabis Extractions

Cannabis extracts offer many benefits compared to traditional flower.

From a functional standpoint, you need less product to get the desired effects. Due to the high potency of cannabis extracts, you often only need small amounts to get where you want. 

Furthermore, removing unwanted plant material means that you won’t inhale the harmful by-products commonly created by burning dry cannabis flower.  Cannabis concentrates are a safer, healthier way to medicate that causes less damage to your lungs. 

Quality-wise, cannabis extracts possess some amazing qualities that make them stand out. Many consumers find the experience to be purer and cleaner, possibly due to less burnt plant matter being inhaled. 

Finally, cannabis extracts offer exponentially higher quantities of terpenes, making them an incredibly tasty and enjoyable choice for tokers looking to maximize on flavour. 

Types of Cannabis Extracts

There are far more cannabis concentrate varieties than we could possibly discuss here. 

That being said, today, we’ll focus on four major cannabis extracts. 

These descriptions will help you understand how extracts are made, what makes them special, and why you will want to try them out.

Butane Hash Oil (BHO)

cannabis extracts butane hash oil

BHO, also known as butane hash oil, is a broad category of extracts made using butane as the primary solvent. These extracts are often processed further into various concentrates, including shatter, budder, wax, crumble, sauce, and more. 

These names accurately describe the texture and consistency you’ll find with the concentrate. 

One of the most popular ways to consume extracts is by using a dab rig. That said, they can also be smoked or vaped in joints, bowls, and pipes.

High Terpene Full Spectrum Extracts (HTFSE)


High Terpene Full Spectrum Extracts (HTFSE) are cannabis concentrates that contain incredible amounts of terpenes. In fact, HTFSE can reach 60% terpenes by content, with the rest of the weight made up of THC, around the 40% range. 

This concentrate looks like applesauce but with different shades of yellow or amber. 

What sets this extract apart from other concentrates is its fantastic terpene content. If you love terpenes and rich flavours when you dab, this is a must-try!

Hash / Hashish


The oldest known extract made from the cannabis plant, hash has been used for thousands of years

Historically called hashish, the extraction process came long before modern technologies. 

Hash is made by using physical agitation to strip the cannabis flower of trichomes. These resin-filled glands are then collected as they fall through a filter. This powder is called kief or dry sift. Once kief is collected, hash can be made by using heat and pressure to form bricks out of the dry sift. 

The benefits of this concentrate are found in its simplicity, flavour and solvent-free nature. Furthermore, hashish is far more shelf-stable material than dry flower and is better suited for transportation. 

The THC potency of hash is higher than dried flower but less than other modern concentrates such as HTFSE or BHO. Generally, it comes in at a range of 15-30%.

Another modern evolution of hash is called bubble hash. This method uses water as a solvent to enhance the process. The buds are physically agitated while inside ice-water-filled baskets. The filtering process often uses several of these baskets with increasingly fine filters. 

The end result is a beautiful concentrate that looks more similar to granulated brown sugar. The extract may then be compressed to have a more hash-like appearance.


cannabis extracts rosin

Last but not least is rosin. Rosin is another solventless extract after hash that does not require the use of solvents such as CO2, butane or ethanol.

To make rosin, all you need are cannabis buds and two hot plates. Also known as a rosin press, this method uses heat and pressure to extract cannabis compounds, including cannabinoids and terpenes. By simply placing and compressing cannabis buds between two hot plates, producers create a simple yet extremely tasty and potent concentrate.

Depending on the cannabis used, the end product can vary in colour ranging from golden-yellow to red and orange.

Finally, to smoke rosin tokers can use a dab rig or a vape pen. 

Cannabis Extracts – Smooth & Delicious

There you have it. You are now an expert on weed extracts! 

Now you can describe how the solvent can be used to create a wide variety of marijuana concentrates. 

Understanding the key terms used to describe the methods and products will help you buy the right extract. There are so many incredible products out there to try, but knowing what they are is the first step.

Remember that concentrates are highly potent and must be used with caution. Always start low and go slow. 

If you’d like to make extracts at home, explore concentrates such as hash and bubble hash. 

Concentrates like shatter, wax and HTFSE require advanced skills and technologies unsuitable for at-home creations. 

Whether you buy or make them yourself, concentrates provide good potency with less plant matter. Finally, the flavour and smell profiles of many extracts are unparalleled in quality and richness.


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