thc detox

THC Detox – Get THC Out of Your System

What is a THC detox? 

Detoxing is a popular way to flush out toxins, do a cleanse or promote gastrointestinal health.

It also can be done to maintain appropriate cannabis tolerance levels. Or maybe you have just started a new job and are required to pass a drug test.

Whatever the reason is, taking a break and detoxing from THC can benefit your overall health.

So, if you need to pass a drug screen, want to examine your relationship with marijuana, or are interested in a THC detox for any reason, let’s have a chat!

What is a THC Detox?

A THC detox is a period of time when a cannabis user will abstain from all products that contain THC so that no traces are left in their body. There are many reasons someone may decide to detox, such as:

Reset Tolerance

THC tolerance increases over time. That same strain that used to send you to the moon now barely gets you into orbit. The only way to reset your tolerance is to take a tolerance break (aka a T-break). 

Pass a Drug Test

Whether you’re heading to the Olympics (congrats!) or your new job requires a clean test to start your benefits (also congrats!), drug tests can be a source of dread for people who use marijuana. Traces of THC can linger in your system for weeks, so a full detox is necessary for anyone who needs to pass a drug test.

Mental Health

While using marijuana doesn’t lead to physical addiction in the way that harder drugs can, it can still be overused. If cannabis use is interfering with someone’s day-to-day life, it may be worth considering a detox.


Times are tough, and sometimes you just can’t afford weed! OK, we get that not being able to afford weed doesn’t technically count as a detox, but hey, you might as well turn it into something positive.  Consider it a cleanse for your health, and imagine how much sweeter that first rip will taste when your bank account is flush.

How Long Should You Detox From THC?

 thc detox guide

There are many elements involved in how and where the body processes THC. Each method of consumption (edibles vs inhalation) dictates which organs handle the cannabis. 

For instance, as cannabis is metabolized, THC is converted into THC-COOH, a metabolite drug tests screen for. These THC metabolites end up in fat cells, and eventually, your body burns through and excretes them. 

Physical factors like age, weight and health come into play in how quickly your body metabolizes THC. 

Due to this, the length of time it takes the body to fully detox from THC is subjective. Marijuana is only detectable in blood for a week, but it takes about 30 days for it to be untraceable in urine. 

For some heavy users, it could even take up to 3 months to clear their system.

In the real world, how long you should detox depends on your reasons for embarking on this journey. 

If you need to pass a drug test, try to commit to a minimum 30-day break for the reasons we discussed above. If you’re taking a tolerance break, 30 days may be enough, but many regular cannabis users find that longer t-breaks give them even greater effects when they reintroduce THC. 

If you’re taking a break for your mental health, then only you know how long is long enough, though it could be worthwhile speaking to a trusted friend or counsellor for guidance and support.

The THC Detox Process

There’s no one way to detox, and there’s nothing you need to do during the detox process other than abstaining from all cannabis products. For some folks, it’s as simple as that; but, there are things you can do to support yourself during your cleanse.

Set a Goal

Oh, we all know this game. We tell ourselves we will take a proper break but inevitably decide we’ve earned a toke within 48 hours. 

If you’re serious about detoxing from THC, set a minimum date goal. Mark it in your calendar, lock away your gear, and keep your eye on the prize whenever you think about sparking up!

Treat Your Body Right

thc detox steps

Help your body while it’s detoxing from weed by making healthy lifestyle choices. You may find that your appetite for junk food naturally goes down during your cleanse (don’t worry, Doritos will still exist when you’re back to toking). 

Build on that by drinking lots of water and filling your tummy with clean, nourishing meals. As THC is stored in fat cells, getting exercise should, in theory, burn through it faster. 

Lastly, maximize your body’s recovery time by getting plenty of sleep every night.

Keep Yourself Busy

For regular cannabis users, idle hands can be the devil’s lettuce’s playground (get it?). Take advantage of your clearer mind, and all that time you’d normally spend getting high on the sofa by working on some projects or hobbies. 

Write that masterpiece that’s been circling through your mind for the last few months, fish out those paint brushes that are lurking in your junk drawer, or cook that elaborate meal you drooled over on your IG feed.  You’ll have so much to be proud of when your break is over!

Get Support

Detoxing from weed can be a difficult process, and it’s important to be well supported. If you regularly use cannabis with friends or partners, let them know you’re taking a break and ask them to have your back. 

If your cleanse has got you feeling some kind of way and you need to talk about your feelings, online forums like r/petioles on Reddit are full of folks doing their own t-breaks. 

Tracking apps such as Grounded can also help you keep on course with your goals.

Extra Care

Many people don’t experience any weed withdrawal symptoms when detoxing from THC. However, mild complaints such as loss of appetite, irritability and trouble sleeping can occur. 

Some chronic users might also experience headaches, cold sweats or chills, but it’s generally short-lived and shouldn’t interfere with daily life. 

CBD can help improve mood, reduce nausea and promote rest; however, since CBD products often contain trace THC, they’re not recommended for anyone taking a drug test. 

Finally, herbal teas, such as peppermint, chamomile, and ginger, can calm both nerves and upset tummies.

THC Detox: Final Thoughts

Drug testing detox drinks and detox kits claim to flush THC from your system quickly. That being said, while they may help you pass a clean urine sample, there will still be metabolites stored in your fat cells. 

For the full benefits of your marijuana detox, consider sticking it out for a bit longer. Try to commit to a minimum 30-day break to eliminate THC from your system and improve your tolerance. 

Taking a break and detoxing from THC can benefit your overall health and is a great practice for maintaining a healthy relationship with cannabis.

Happy detoxing!

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