how to dab

How to Dab – The Toker’s Guide to Dabbing

There are seemingly endless options for cannabis concentrates currently available on the market, serving as more motivation than ever for tokers to learn how to dab.

Don’t get us wrong. Traditional consumption methods such as joints, blunts, and bongs are still popular. 

However, with the dawn of new modern cannabis concentrates, the practice of dabbing is taking centre stage when it comes to cannabis concentrates!

If you’re new to the game, you’re not alone. 

For those interested in learning how to dab, you’ve come to the right place! We’re here to be your spirit guide into the vast and diverse world of dabbing and dab culture.

At this point, you’re likely wondering, what is a dab, how does it work, and what are the steps of learning how to dab? Luckily for you, this guide will answer all these questions and more.

So, strap in! Because today, we’re teaching you how to dab!

What is Dabbing?

When it comes to learning how to dab, we’ll start with the basics – aka what dabbing is in the first place!

With the onslaught of various cannabis concentrate products emerging onto the scene, so, too, has a new method of ingesting them. As such, dabbing has quickly become one of the most popular cannabis consumption methods.

Many weed users appreciate dabbing for the powerful high it produces without sacrificing the aroma and flavour from the cannabis terpenes or the overall potency of the cannabinoids.

The term ‘dab’ or ‘dabs‘ can refer to any variation of cannabis concentrate product, including but not limited to: budder, crumble, rosin, or shatter. However, the phrase is interchangeable and can also refer to the actual dose of any given concentrate.

Concentrates are cannabis products created through complex extraction processes which isolate the desirable cannabinoids and terpenes present in standard cannabis flower. Depending on the particular concentrate, this process is performed with or without the use of solvents.

That said, ‘dabbing’ is a term used to describe the process of ingesting a dab by vaporizing it using a dab rig. We will explain what this device is a little later on.

In this way, dabbing is a smoke-free alternative for consuming weed. Rather than producing smoke, the cannabis extract is heated to produce vapour instead.

The resulting product the user inhales consists almost entirely of highly concentrated cannabinoids and terpenes, which is why dabs deliver a fast-acting, flavourful and incredibly potent high.

What do You Need to Dab?

Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals and relevant background info, let’s get into what you’ll actually need to learn how to dab.

Below, we’ll outline the necessary equipment needed to ensure a successful dabbing experience.

Dab Rig

dab rig

As we briefly touched on before, the act of dabbing is performed using a device known as a dab rig. A dab rig is a combination of tools and accessories used to vaporize cannabis extracts.

In other words, the overall dab rig is a sum of smaller, albeit no less crucial, sub-parts. The device itself is essentially a modified water pipe or bong. So, the ‘rig’ portion is the foundation of the entire device.

Banger or Nail

The portion of dab rigs where the cannabis concentrates are vaporized and exposed to heat is an attachment called a banger or nail.

This accessory can come in a wide range of styles with different options made of various materials. The specific material will impact the vaporization rate, and the size of dabs users can consume at once.

You can find nails made of glass, quartz, titanium and ceramic. Each of these materials has its own set of advantages and unique characteristics.

Carb Cap

A carb cap is another dab rig extension made of either glass, quartz, ceramic or titanium. It contains a small hole that covers the top of the banger or nail.

The carb cap’s role is to lower the pressure in nails or bangers, acting like an oven to hold the heat and reduce the temperature of vaporization.

Dabber/Dab Tool

A dabber or dab tool is used for removing a dab from whatever container is holding the cannabis extract and placing it inside the nail or banger for vaporization.


A torch is used to heat the nail to a temperature hot enough to vaporize the dab. Many tokers will invest in a butane hand torch for heating the nail of their dab rigs.

They opt for this alternative heat source because propane torches produce higher temperature flames that may damage nails. However, butane hand torches can be pricey, and so can the cost of refilling them.

That said, the practicality and convenience are typically enough to convince users that a butane torch is worth the investment.


There is something to be said for not wanting to heat your nails manually. Some tokers find it difficult or tedious to wait for the equipment to settle to the correct dabbing temperature.

In instances like these, it may be helpful to purchase e-nails instead. E-nails are devices that let you select a precise temperature and then electronically heats the nail to reach that exact desired temperature.

Quartz Insert

Quartz inserts are newer to the game than the other more classic dab rig accessories. They provide additional surface area inside the banger or nail to increase users’ ability to utilize low-temperature dabs.

Essentially, when inserted into a hot nail, the quartz insert acts as an internal carp cap.

How to Dab

Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

Alright! We’ve officially covered what dabbing is and the tools you’re going to need. Now, let’s get to the fun part – learning how to dab!

We totally get that, at face value, learning how to use a dab rig may seem intimidating. That said, it doesn’t have to be! Just follow these simple steps, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert dabber in no time!

Step 1 – Add Water

Fill the water pipe of your dab rig to the recommended amount for your particular device.

A good way to know if it’s an appropriate amount of water is to inhale through the mouthpiece. If the water bubbles, you’re good to go. If the water splashes into your mouth, you’ve got too much inside and need to empty it out a bit.

Step 2- Heat Your Nail

Using your hand torch, heat the nail of your dab rig until it’s glowing red hot.

This process will ensure that any small particles are burned off, and you’re starting with the hottest possible surface. If you’re using an e-nail, use the interface to input your desired temperature and wait for the device to heat the nail.

A word to the wise if you’re unsure about temperature – dabbing below 170°C (340°F) tends to produce cooler, smother, more flavourful vapour. 

Higher-temperature dabs between 170-370°C (340-700°F) will scorch your extracts and produce a sharp and harsh flavour.

For most, a comfortable range is between 149-232°C (300-450°F).

Step 3 – Wait for the Nail to Cool Down

If you’ve heated your nail to the previously mentioned higher temps, while it may sound counterproductive, you’re going to want to wait for it to cool down a bit to ensure you don’t scorch your concentrate.

This step is where the specific what your nail is made of comes into play as it will impact the wait time, depending on its particular thickness.

Of course, if you’re using an e-nail, you can skip this step because the device will have already heated your nail to the optimal temperature.

Step 4 – Dab the Extract

Now comes the actual dabbing part!

As we said before, dabs are incredibly potent, much more than standard weed flower. The standard potency of a dab ranges from 60-99% THC, depending on the specific concentrate.

In this way, you only need a tiny amount to do the job. Trust us. Less is more! The average dab size is about the size of the tip of a nail or ballpoint pen.

The quality of the extract plays a critical role in your overall experience and flavour profile. For example, our Pyro Extracts Rosin uses only the best quality of sifts during the extraction process to ensure the best possible product.

Similarly, Pyro Extracts Shatter utilizes high-quality nug run concentrate that has been perfected over the years to create a product that is smooth to smoke while being tantalizing for your tastebuds!

Using a dab tool, pick up and place your specific concentrate on the surface of the nail and slowly start to inhale the vapour.

If you think that inhaling a dab is like taking a toke from a bong or a puff from a joint, you’re in for a bit of a surprise. Instead, dabbing requires a long, slow inhale as most of the concentrate will not vapourize instantly.

Step 5 – Lock it in with a Carb Cap

Place the carb cap on the nail or banger to better vaporize the dab as you inhale.

As we explained earlier, the carb cap will act like an oven to trap in all the heat to ensure you get the most of your experience. When you’re ready to clear all the vapour out of the dab rig, lift the carb cap.

Step 6 – Don’t Hold it In

Unlike other ingestion methods where you may hold the smoke or vapour in for a couple of seconds, you should not do this when taking a dab.

So, once you’ve inhaled the vapour, exhale it immediately.

Step 7 – Clean up

Once you have finished dabbing, clean the banger or nail. This action will prevent residue from building up and possibly altering your dabs’ flavour the next time around.

Of course, you should let the nail cool down first. Once it’s at a more tolerable temperature, wipe the inside of the nail with a cotton swab. If you’re looking for a deeper clean, you can dip the cotton swab in isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and rub it along the interior of the nail.

Ensuring that your weed accessories are clean is the best way to prepare for a more efficient and practical sesh the next time around by having everything all ready to go!

The Art of Dabbing – Practice Makes Perfect

Congratulations!  You have successfully completed our comprehensive beginner’s guide to dabbing.

We know that it’s a lot of information to take in, but ensuring that you are performing this consumption method safely and effectively is the best way to produce the optimal results and get the most out of your cannabis concentrates.

While it may seem like we’re nagging, we can’t emphasize enough, especially if you’re new to this particular ingestion technique, that dabs are extremely potent. So, you should dose accordingly and, as always, start low and go slow.

We mean it when we say that less is more, and to avoid unrighteous side effects such as greening out, it’s best to build up your tolerance rather than heading into it in full force. After all, dabs are supposed to be a fun and enjoyable way to reap the weed’s benefits without sacrificing flavour and potency.

It may take a couple of tries to get this down pat, and that’s okay! It’s all about experimentation to find out what process works best for you to achieve your desired results.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. So relax, enjoy and happy dabbing!

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