
Gaining the Full-Scope on Full-Spectrum Extracts

Full-spectrum extracts are in high demand, and for good reason. 

Most people like hearing when something, or someone, is the full package, and it’s no different with full-spectrum products! 

Depending on your particular weed needs, full-spectrum products can be a fantastic way to indulge in all the natural cannabis plant has to offer, with the convenience and versatility of a cannabis extract.

Today, we’re breaking down the differences between these three product variations with a primary focus on full-spectrum products, how they work, and their benefits.

Let’s drive on full-force into learning about full-spectrum extracts!

What is ‘Full-Spectrum’?

Full-spectrum extracts, also known as ‘whole-plant extracts’ are cannabis concentrates that are said to possess greater cannabinoid and terpene content in addition to greater therapeutic benefits. 

They allow users to enjoy the complete makeup of the cannabis plant in as close to the original state as possible, albeit in extract form.

In simpler words, full-spectrum means that these products contain the entire diverse catalogue of chemical compounds present in cannabis plants, including their unique cannabinoid and terpene profiles as well as other components, such as flavonoids.

If you’re no stranger to the cannabis game, you’ll know that all strains have their own unique cocktail of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and more cooking beneath their buds’ surface.

While the objective of full-spectrum extracts is to encompass as much of the original chemical makeup of the starting cannabis plant material as possible, there are also dedicated products to capturing terpenes, specifically.

These items are known as high-terpene full-spectrum extracts, or HTFSE for short, and focus more innately on preserving the highest possible terpene profile.


This dedication means that the resulting products are jam-packed full of juicy, flavourful terpenes, with some extraction methods capturing as high as 40%.

So, just to recap, full-spectrum cannabis extracts contain all of the recreational and therapeutic compounds, including THC and CBD, found in cannabis flower.

The second half of the phrase, ‘spectrum,’ refers to the hundreds of chemical compounds produced by the trichome glands in cannabis plants that could contain therapeutic properties. 

If you bring the ‘full’ back in, then put it together, full-spectrum encapsulates the full range of these compounds produced in the trichomes.

Depending on the strain, the exact variations of these chemicals will vary, but some of the typical repeat offenders include THC, THCA, and cannabidiol CBD. 

Producers can also hone in when creating full-spectrum products to have them be more specific, like in the case of full-spectrum CBD.

Full-spectrum CBD is a cannabis concentrate that contains all of the naturally occurring chemical compounds in cannabis. However, it’s crucial to note that it also contains trace amounts of THC.

Ultimately, when defining what items are considered full-spectrum, the important thing to remember is that they contain the entire catalogue of chemical components present in the starting plant matter.

Determining the Difference Between Full-Spectrum, Broad-Spectrum and Isolate

Full-spectrum, broad-spectrum and isolate are all different products offering different benefits. As such, it’s vital to determine the differences between them to understand which might work best for you.

Full-Spectrum Products

Full-spectrum cannabis products possess the entire catalogue of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other chemical compounds naturally occurring inside weed.

Many tokers are fans of these items because they are as close to the natural cocktail in the cannabis plant as possible. They also possess greater flexibility and versatility in usage and consumption technique. 

In many cases, users prefer them because it means they can enjoy the natural makeup of weed without having to smoke it, either through vaping, edibles or sublingual administration.

Popular full-spectrum products include tinctures and cannabis capsules. 

Broad-Spectrum Products

full-spectrum vs broad-spectrum products

Broad-spectrum products, including items like broad-spectrum CBD, differ from full-spectrum in that their collection of compounds is ‘broad,’ but not ‘full.’ 

In other words, they contain some but not all of the building block chemical compounds present in cannabis.

More specifically, broad-spectrum CBD contains all of the cannabinoids inside the starting cannabis plant matter, with one crucial exception, THC. 

This is why many medical marijuana users opt for these products to treat conditions such as chronic pain because they can use them without worrying about the psychoactive effects.

Isolate Products

What does the work ‘isolate’ mean? According to Merriam-Webster, it means to “set apart from others.” So, it’s only logical that isolate products are those that contain one specific compound.

In this sense, isolates only include THC or CBD extract, without any other cannabinoids, terpenes or anything else, really!  

If you were to buy CBD isolate, for example, you would be ingesting CBD and nothing else. It’s that simple!

What is the Entourage Effect?

Arguably the most vital component for the efficacy of full-spectrum products is how the various chemical compounds come together to impact the greater endocannabinoid system in the body.

In other words, all of the different cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and the like work together to produce their effects. This synergistic relationship is known as the ‘entourage effect.’

The particular effects produced by the entourage effect will vary based on the particular strain – more specifically, its chemical compounds, terpenes, cannabinoids etc. – used to create the full-spectrum product and the individual user’s unique endocannabinoid system.

With the entourage effect, various elements work together to enhance positive effects while negating and inhibiting potentially adverse ones.

So, going back to the broad-spectrum CBD example for a minute, or really just CBD products in a more general sense, many tokers have such an affection for them because CBD possesses qualities that can mitigate the potentially negative side effects of THC, including anxiety and paranoia.

When gaining a basic understanding of the entourage effect, the most important thing to remember is that it involves all of the different elements within your weed working together to produce greater, more significant results than they could individually.

Much like a regular entourage, the entourage effect is one joined team effort!

Benefits of Full-Spectrum Products

full-spectrum products benefits

Now that we’ve laid the necessary groundwork regarding how full-spectrum products work, we can get to the fun part – their benefits!

They’re Authentic

We’ve said it multiple times now, but one of the biggest pulls for users surrounding full-spectrum extracts is that they are as authentic to the starting plant material as possible while having greater flexibility regarding usage methods.

In many instances, this takes the form of smoke-free alternatives. So, users can indulge in the entourage effect and the fantastic fusion of cannabinoids, terpenes, and more without having to potentially harm their lungs.

It’s a win-win situation!

They’re Versatile

On top of smoke-free consumption alternatives, full-spectrum products also grant users the flexibility to use them in a wide range of other ingestion methods, including dabbing, vaping, edibles and even straight-up sublingual administration.

If you’re looking for a product that allows you to switch up your ingestion method based on whatever you’re feeling on a particular day, these items are an excellent option!

They’re Reliable

Unlike other, less accurate methods for enjoying weed, such as rolling joints, full-spectrum extracts also grant users the peace of mind that they receive the same dose every time they use it.

In addition, this consistency provides a safer ingestion method that makes it easier for them to avoid unsavoury consequences of over-indulging, such as suffering a green out

This is advantageous for medicinal marijuana users that require more precise doses to treat their various conditions or who may not have a high cannabis tolerance. 

Full-Spectrum Products are the Full Pot Package

While broad-spectrum products contain some but not all, and isolate products contain only one, full-spectrum cannabis products contain all of the naturally occurring chemical compounds present in weed. 

This comprehensive nature makes them a highly sought-after product range on the cannabis market.

Users appreciate them because they allow for more accurate dosing methods, as authentic as possible experience, and the versatility to be utilized in more than one consumption technique, which could also provide advantages in being more discreet, depending on your technique of choice.

These items can provide their diverse set of effects thanks to a phenomenon known as the entourage effect, which works by having all of these compounds work together synergistically to produce collective effects greater than the sum of their parts.

It may take some experimentation to find the best full-spectrum product for you. 

After all, all users, bodies and their endocannabinoid system may vary, but that’s all part of the fun!

Have fun, and enjoy!

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