weed tea

Weed Tea – An Introductory Guide to Cannabis Tea

While combusting flower, hitting a dab and eating an edible are all great methods of consuming cannabis, sometimes, you just want something a bit more tame and relaxed – and what’s more relaxing than a hot, soothing cup of weed tea? 

Whether or not you’re a regular tea enthusiast or just want to try something new, weed tea is one of the simplest and easiest ways of consuming cannabis. You won’t get any of the throat irritation, pungent smoke or coughing that’s endemic with other forms of weed consumption and the best part of all – you can make it at home within minutes.

Did that pique your interest? Stay tuned and we’ll give you the full Pyro guide on what weed tea is, how to make it, and how high it can actually get you! 

Weed Tea – What is it?

Simply put, weed tea is a tea-based beverage that’s infused with cannabis. It’s either made with the cannabis leaves themselves or made with regular tea leaves that’s later infused with a concentrated form of cannabis. 

Unlike smoking cannabis, the effects of weed tea can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours to fully kick in. Weed tea is an alternative, more relaxed way of consuming marijuana that really lets you savour the natural taste of bud while also slipping you away into gentle relaxation. 

How to Make Cannabis Tea 

weed tea guide

When it comes to making weed tea, you have a couple of options. One of them involves making a cannabis infused butter or fat concentrate and the other involves literally steeping weed teas.  

Here’s how you can get started: 

Steeping Ground up Cannabis

This is the easiest and simplest way to make a soothing cup of cannabis infused tea. Simply take your cannabis strain of choice, ground it up finely, spread it evenly on a baking sheet and bake it in an oven for about 35-45 minutes at 220°C to properly decarboxylate it and “activate” it so our bodies can properly absorb the plant’s cannabinoids. 

Once your cannabis is baked and “activated,” you can mix it in with your choice of tea blends and begin to steep it like you would with any other bag of tea. This is a great recipe because it allows you full personalization to do whatever you want to your weed tea! 

Infusing Tea with Cannabis

weed tea diy

This second technique is a bit more involved and requires you to do a bit of cooking and baking. You’re going to be making a form of cannabis infused fat that you’ll be mixing in with your tea of choice. 

To start, you’re going to want to decarboxylate your cannabis like we did above in order to properly activate it. Finely grind your cannabis and spread it evenly over a baking sheet and pop it in the oven for 30-45 minutes at 220°C until it’s lightly golden brown. 

Then, you’ll want to take an oil or fat of your choosing (we used coconut oil) and you’ll want to add a good amount of it to a cup of water. How much oil or fat you use depends on how concentrated you want the end product to be. If you’re aiming for an extra strength infusion, opt for less. If you want it more diluted, add more.

Bring the cup of water and your fat of choice mixture to a boil and stir until it’s completely melted. Once it’s melted, pour in your decarboxylated weed and simmer slowly for 2-3 hours, or until the surface of the mixture appears glossy. Strain this mixture through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth and then refrigerate it overnight. Dump out the excess liquid and you will have homemade cannabis oil!

Now that you have your cannabis oil, all you need to do is brew a cup of your favorite tea and stir in your oil to properly infuse it and you’ll have a cup of weed infused tea! 

If you’re not interested in making your own cannabis oil, you can also purchase some distillate and infuse that with your tea as well.

How Strong is Weed Tea? 

Like cannabis edibles and anything else containing THC, weed tea will get you high. However, when compared to the likes of super potent weed gummies and other form of weed edibles, you might find that the effects are more relaxed and subdued. Of course, this also depends on how much of the weed oil you intend on infusing your tea with and how much weed you decide to steep your tea with. 

Edibles are much more potent that simple combustion. So much so, that we advise anyone planning on trying this recipe out to go low and slow. Start with a teaspoon or less of the cannabis oil or a cup of cannabis steeped tea at first to see how your system reacts to the dosage. Dosages vary between each individual so what works for you may not work for someone else. Always practice safe dosing and never consume more than one dose until after the first dose has begun to kick in. 

Concluding Thoughts on Weed Tea

If you enjoy tea but also wished it packed a little bit more “umph,” weed tea will be right up your alley. Easy to make within minutes and completely personalizable according to your preferences, there’s perhaps no better weed edible out there that’s as easy or as comforting as a cup of soothing, weed-infused tea! 

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