rosin vs shatter guide

Rosin vs Shatter – Which Concentrate is Right For You?

Wondering what the differences between rosin vs shatter are?

With so many cannabis concentrates floating around the market today, trying to keep up with all of them would be akin to juggling a part-time job. That’s why we thought it would be helpful to draft a guide outlining the differences and similarities between the popular marijuana concentrates rosin and shatter and to help you decide which one is best for you. 

But before you can understand and appreciate the differences between the two —  it’s essential to know what they are and how they’re made. 

In short, both are incredibly potent forms of marijuana, and as their name implies, both contain “concentrated” levels of THC. Think of concentrates like rosin and shatter as the hard alcohol of the weed world, and regular bud or flower as a beer or glass of wine. 

Now that we got the basics out of the way, there are some key differences between all concentrates you should know about, including rosin and shatter. 

What’s the Difference Between Shatter and Rosin? 

Before we get into what sets rosin and shatter apart from one another, you need to know what they are. 

Shatter is an extremely pure marijuana extract named for its glass-like appearance and consistency that is quickly shattered when dropped or broken. Since shatter is such a pure concentrated product, it boasts an incredibly high THC content of 90% or more, so if you’re new to concentrates or cannabis in general, you’ll want to practice caution and pace yourself.  

shatter vs rosin

Generally, shatter is created using butane as a solvent; however, it sometimes can be made with CO2. The issue with butane hash oil (BHO) concentrates is that low-quality, illegal producers are more likely to leave residual solvents behind in their product, which can degrade the extract’s quality flavour. 

Also, concentrates that use solvents are much more dangerous and expensive to make than its solventless counterparts. This is because solvents are flammable and require costly equipment to be used as an extraction method — costing hundreds to thousands of dollars. 

Rosin is also a concentrated cannabis extract, but the difference is that it’s made using only heat and pressure and is 100% solvent-free. 

rosin vs shatter

Essentially, rosin is a solventless concentrate made via compressing bud, kief, or flower between two hot plates, producing a resinous sap. If done correctly, rosin retains most of the terpenes, aroma, and flavour of the weed strain used. This is superior to low-quality concentrates that use solvents as an extraction method because they don’t run the risk of being contaminated with alcohol, propane, or butane. 

To put it briefly, rosin and shatter are two different types of cannabis concentrates created to help users get a more potent high — faster. 

Rosin is produced using only heat and pressure, whereas shatter is made using a solvent, typically alcohol, butane, or CO2. That said, shatter is more potent in THC content than rosin by about 10%-15%. 

Rosin vs Shatter — What’s Better? 

dab rig shatter

Honestly, it all comes down to what you’re looking for. Rosin is the “healthier” option because it doesn’t come with the risk of inhaling or consuming leftover solvents, and it is cheap and easy to make at home. 

Rosin also has a superior flavour and contains more terpenes because it doesn’t use a solvent. 

However, it is a lower THC product, so if you want a more potent high or have an insanely high tolerance — shatter will be a better fit. 

When judging your extracts’ overall quality, the look and texture of it can tell what type of cannabis was used to make it. If it looks runny, then low-grade cannabis was used. If it’s hard and semi-transparent, then it was made with high-quality flower. 

All in all, rosin is arguably solventless shatter that tastes better. If made correctly, rosin retains more flavour and has a better aroma and terpene profile than shatter does, but it is less potent, so it depends on what attributes you’re looking for in a concentrate. 

Can You Turn Rosin into Shatter? 

making rosin at home

No, but you can attempt to mimic the consistency of shatter using rosin by placing it in the freezer for several minutes. But once it warms up, it becomes sticky again, which makes it incredibly hard to work with. 

Fortunately, unlike shatter — making rosin at home is not only possible, but it’s incredibly easy to do! 

You can use whatever cannabis flower you have available, a hair straightener, and parchment paper. A rosin bag, heat resistant gloves, and a dabber tool to collect your finished product are optional but highly recommended. 

Using a flat iron with customizable temperature control settings and 2-inch plates also comes highly recommended because it allows you to compress larger amounts of bud without burning it safely. 

First, you’ll want to breakdown the plant material and shape it into a small rectangle, and if you have a rosin bag — now is the time to use it. Then place it into a piece of parchment paper and turn the hair straightener from 250℉ to 340℉ or a low to medium setting. 

Then situate your rosin bag or clump of loose cannabis flower between the plates of the hair straightener and press down for 5-30 seconds, or until you hear it begin to sizzle. Use your dabber tool to collect the rosin and store it until it cool into a taffy-like consistency. 

For the full set of instructions, be sure to check out our guide on how to make rosin at home!

Rosin vs Shatter – A Matter of Objective

When comparing rosin vs shatter, the choice really boils down to your objectives.

While rosin is the healthier option in terms of solvent and chemical exposure, determining if rosin is better than shatter depends on the individual using it and their needs. Just want to get high off of something cheap and tasty? Shatter is your go-to choice. Looking for something with a more robust terpene profile that’s healthier but slightly less potent and don’t mind paying a premium? Rosin has got you covered.

Either way, it’s essential to treat marijuana concentrates with caution and respect if you want to have a good time. Start low and go slow when it comes to dosing potent extracts and be sure the bud used to produce your extracts is top-notch. You can do this by making sure to buy all your cannabis flower and concentrates from well-reviewed, reputable dispensaries — and not from shady businesses, your uncle’s closet, or creepy back alleyways. 

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