Moldy weed

Moldy Weed – Perceive, Prevent & Protect

There is nothing worse than opening up a bag of freshly bought bud only to be greeted with the warm pungent odour of urine and sweat that signifies its moldy weed.

Believe it or not, this is actually an unfortunate event that can happen to almost anyone, even if you have purchased your weed from a reputable source. 

Moldy weed is a plague that can be equally as harmful as it is disgusting. While reputable growers and distributors strive to keep their cannabis healthy, some strains are more susceptible to growing mold than others. 

That said, it’s crucial to be able to identify when weed is moldy to prevent yourself from smoking it and potentially experiencing negative health consequences.

Today, we’re going to give you some tips and tricks on identifying moldy weed, the potential risks of consuming it, and how to avoid it altogether. 

Without further ado, let’s jump right in.

What is Moldy Weed & Why is it Dangerous?

what is moldy weed

Like the mold that grows on bread, moldy weed is simply cannabis that has been overrun with mold. That said, similar to how you never want to eat moldy bread, you never want to consume moldy weed. 

Not only is it disgusting, but it may also produce a slew of adverse health complications as well.

Smoking moldy weed probably won’t kill you, but it will put you at risk of developing a cough, experiencing nausea, and even vomiting. What’s worse is that if you’re allergic to mold, the potential dangers are much more severe. 

For those who are allergic to mold, smoking moldy weed could lead to inflammation in the sinuses and lungs, causing issues such as:

  • Sinus pain
  • Drainage
  • Wheezing
  • Congestion

As for people with lung conditions or compromised immune systems, the consequences become even more dire. Certain species of fungi like Aspergillus, Mucor, and Cryptococcus can potentially produce life-threatening infections in the lungs, brain, and central nervous system.

What Factors Contribute to Mold Growth?

Mold is known to thrive in wet and damp places with high humidity levels and moisture in the air. Generally speaking, all types of cannabis strains have the potential to develop mold. Although some breeds have been classified as mould-resistant, that does not make them completely immune to it. 

That said, prevention is by far the best way to keep yourself from discovering moldy weed. Once the mold has been able to fester, the weed will be rendered unsafe to use as the growth cannot be stopped.

In other words, there’s nothing left to do but throw it out. Heart-wrenching, we know, but it needs to be done. 

Under the ideal growing conditions, the environment that cannabis plants thrive in also doubles as an attractive breeding ground for many types of mold. Despite this, many factors help influence or prevent the growth of mold altogether. 

Details such as the light source, quality and dampness of air, and humidity are the main elements to keep in check when preventing moldy weed.

How to Detect Moldy Weed

There are several different ways to go about identifying moldy weed. First and foremost, you should thoroughly inspect your bud closely before consuming it. 

However, some variations of mold are less apparent than others. In this sense, there are a few rules of thumb that may help:

Check for Visual Cues

how to detect moldy weed

Knowing what mold looks like is the first step to spotting it. Luckily, most types of mold that are known to infest cannabis are visible to the naked eye. 

However, certain strains of mold that are white in color may blend in with the trichomes of your weed, making it more difficult to spot to the untrained eye.When inspecting your weed, it’s essential to look for critical indicators, including dark spots, and yellow or grey fuzz. 

Other signs of mold and powdery mildew include slime or even spots of white powder that resemble confectioners sugar or sawdust.

Spot the Stench

On top of using the sight test to identify moldy weed, you can also use your sense of smell to tell if something is off. 

Moldy cannabis will give off a foul smelling odor that is akin to human sweat or urine. While we do understand that certain strains of cannabis are known for their dank smell, skunky funk and whatnot, you can rest assured that the type of mold to infest cannabis smells nothing like that.

Anything that falls off the beaten path of what cannabis should and would smell like is a dead giveaway. Ultimately, you should avoid ingesting anything that smells like sweat or pee, just saying.

Use a Microscope or a Blacklight

If you’ve got the tools at your disposal and are still unsure if mold has infested your weed, employ the use of a magnifying glass or microscope. Even if you aren’t already in possession of these items, you can find them relatively cheap from many online retailers. 

Granted, it will take time and patience to learn how to identify the mold spores on your cannabis. Still, this method is far more accurate than simply eyeballing it. 

Learning the normal anatomy of weed will help determine what is and is not meant to be there. Mold typically produces tiny filaments, called hyphae, that will be visible under a microscope. 

Alternatively, if you have a black light available, you can aim the black light on the suspected surfaces to identify any mold growths.

Once you have the basics down of what your weed is supposed to look like, it will be easier to notice any abnormalities. 

What to Do with Moldy Weed

smoking weed

Do not smoke moldy weed.

As mentioned previously, mold spores are unsafe to consume, let alone burn, so it is unsafe, and potentially even dangerous, to smoke moldy weed. 

While consuming mold is unlikely to cause any serious harm to the average healthy adult, people who have lung disease or a weakened immune system are more susceptible to harm. 

Depending on the type of mold found on the cannabis, severe respiratory issues and potentially deadly infections can occur, affecting the lungs, central nervous system, and brain. That said, the risk is definitely not worth the reward.

Smoking moldy weed should never be an option, no matter how badly you need its effects. If you’ve discovered that your weed has mold, do not heat it or combust it.

For the sake of your health, you’ll have to bite the bullet and throw it out. You can always get more.

How to Stop Moldy Weed from Happening

Sometimes you receive moldy weed upon delivery or purchase of your weed. In those cases, the spread of the mold spores is completely out of your control. 

However, more often than not, improper storage can result in the development of mold spores even after receiving a pristine batch of bud. In order to save you the heartache of having to throw out a good batch of weed, here are some of the most effective tips in taking a proactive approach to prevent mold.

Store Your Weed Properly 

There are a few main factors that affect mold growth in medical marijuana. These factors include light, air, and humidity. 

When storing weed at home, it’s vital to meet the proper storage requirements for your weed. Ideally, your weed should be stored in a cool and dry space that is away from any light. The storage container should be airtight and placed in an area with little to no moisture in the air.

Know the Best Ways to Grow 

Much like storing dry herb, similar principles apply to growing your own cannabis plants at home. 

Proper light sources and humidity checks will keep your plants in an ideal environment without the risk of moldy growths. That said, proper ventilation is key here, you’ll want to keep the air flowing through the room keeping good circulation.

Moldy Weed – Pesky but Preventable 

While moldy weed is likely non-life-threatening for most healthy adults, those with compromised immune systems will suffer greatly from smoking it. 

That said, it’s important to make sure you check the status of your marijuana before consuming it. In the case that you have found mold spores in your bud, it’s best to throw it out for the sake of your own health. 

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to prevent moldy weed from happening is to forego buying dry flower altogether and instead opt for more discreet, portable methods such as vape pens and cartridges or tinctures.

pyro vape kit

Pyro vape cartridges present a healthier, mold-free alternative that enhances the experience by being flavourful to boot! Not only that, vaping presents a safer alternative to more traditional methods of smoking as it does not involve the combustion of plant matter. 

Instead, our cartridges heat cannabis concentrate to the optimal temperature and convert it into vapour rather than smoke. So, you avoid inhaling smoke and other plant matter, therefore bypassing the consumption of potentially harmful toxins and carcinogens associated with smoking.  

Whatever you decide, the best method of ensuring the highest likelihood that your products are safe is to purchase them from a licensed, professional dispensary.

As always, happy trails!

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