marijuana and alcohol

Crossfaded – What Happens When You Are Drunk and High At Once

What is crossfaded, and why is it relevant to marijuana and alcohol? 

Many of us have consumed both alcohol and cannabis before on separate occasions, but what happens when we ingest both drugs in a short period of time?

Being crossfaded is a unique high you get from being drunk from alcohol and high from cannabis at the same time. 

However, some people opt to smoke cannabis after becoming drunk, which can significantly affect their cognitive and motor skills while also introducing nauseous-inducing dizziness, known as “the spins.” 

So, before you get high and drunk at the same time, let’s learn about crossfaded effects and how they can affect our bodies.

What is the Cause of a Crossfaded High?

To understand the potent effects of combining both marijuana and alcohol, let’s first examine these drugs in their respective entities. 

Alcohol is a depressant that increasingly hinders the user’s motor skills as they consume more throughout a short time. Drunk people tend to exhibit difficulty standing or walking straight, lack of coordination skills, confusion, emotional instability, blurry vision, and bad judgment. 

After consuming enough alcoholic beverages, it is very common to see inhibitions lowered, and impulse actions are taken while drunk. Alcohol also hinders the effectiveness of our prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for helping us think rationally. 

Once you get to this point of drunkenness, a friend offering a joint may be too tempting to refuse, and that is how you begin to spiral out of control.


Still, smoking cannabis is pretty good when we’re already drunk. After all, we have had good experiences with both alcohol and joints on their own, so what could go wrong? 

While sober, most people can probably assume that one drug by itself is already powerful, so they are wary of the potential dangers of combining both, but at the moment, it can be challenging to resist the temptation of stepping out of our boundaries.

Consumption of THC through marijuana induces psychoactive effects such as euphoria, relaxed, and increased appetite. 

Marijuana consumption also stunts reaction time, balance, and memory. Because of these side effects, it is not recommended for inexperienced smokers or drinkers to combine both drugs.

What Does It Feel Like?

So you know about the potential dangers of combining both marijuana and alcohol, but are still wondering what it feels like to be crossfaded? 

For starters, not all crossfaded highs are bad. 

Everybody’s tolerance level is different and if you land on the sweet spot of consuming just enough alcohol and cannabis, you may be in for a wild euphoric ride, where you have never felt more fulfilled and liberated

That’s only one side of the coin. 

The other side comes with something known as the spins. When somebody gets the dreaded spins from overconsumption of either substance, dizziness and nauseousness are very common, followed up with the most gnarly act of vomiting into the toilet bowl. 

The spins can last for hours depending on each person, so it is recommended to have a friend watching over you before you attempt to become crossfaded.

How to Prevent an Unpleasant Crossfaded High

crossfaded high

If you don’t want to be a victim of the infamous spins, the safest option is just not to consume marijuana and alcohol on the same night. 

Too much alcohol consumption can cause spins, and too much marijuana can cause green outs.

If you decide that you do want to tread into new waters, have a friend with you that is relatively sober and experienced with both substances as they can gauge how much you should take. If you do get the spins, at least you have a friend to comfort you and provide you with whatever you need.

We would recommend smoking cannabis before consuming alcohol if you were planning on aiming for a positive crossfaded experience. 

As mentioned before, too much alcohol in your system causes you to behave irrationally and that could result in smoking too much bud for your normal tolerance levels, which is why we recommend drinking after being stoned. 

At least you’ll still have some self-awareness. Take small amounts of alcohol and wait for a while to see how you feel before proceeding. 

In the Case of a Bad Experience?

In the case of an undesirable crossfade high, the way to speed up the process is to get the drugs out of your system. 

It sounds dreadful, but vomiting and resting in a cool environment are the most optimal ways to go about doing this. 

Dehydration is also common when being crossfaded, so be sure to continually drink water in your bathroom or bedroom while waiting for the high to end. 

To combat the dizziness, put one hand on a hard surface and one foot on a flat surface to rebalance yourself. If you are trying to fall asleep, sit in bed against the bed frame and fall asleep sitting up to keep the most liquid down and the spins to a minimum. 

Having a friend to support you through all of this only makes it easier, so let them know if you are feeling the spins so that you are not suffering alone. 

A good crossfaded high is not guaranteed ever, so tread lightly and be prepared for the consequences of a bad high!

Is Crossfaded High Worth It?

Crossfaded high can bring the best euphoric feelings out of you, but it can also ruin your night and leave you anxious and dizzy. 

This is a true ultimatum that you have to decide for yourself whether it is worth the risk. 

The way to avoid all of this is to just not partake in combining these drugs. However, if you do decide to do it, hold on and be prepared for a wild ride. 

Stay safe!

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