
What is a Chillum & How do You Use One?

While it may sound like the chiller, more laidback cousin of Gollum from Lord of the Rings, a chillum is one of the first renditions of the popular one-hitter pipes we know and love today.

With their petite size promoting portability, discreetness and versatility, chillums and one-hitters alike have become a widely used and respected accessory for smoking up whenever and wherever. 

However, many tokers aren’t likely aware of how far back these smoking devices go and how long cannabis lovers have relied on them as an efficient tool for dry smoking herb.

With this in mind, this article aims to break down any questions surrounding the chillum, including what it is, precisely, where it originated, and what sets the chillum apart from other cannabis pipes!

Let’s get into it!

What is a Chillum?

chillum pipe

A chillum goes by several names, including “chillum pipe,” “bat,” or “one-hitters.” 

They are typically made of clay or glass, and their primary function is to serve as a smoking pipe to consume cannabis or tobacco. Typically, in most instances, it’s both!

It’s like smoking a spliff without the rolling papers!

A chillum pipe is made of clay in its most traditional form, with a straight conical pipe and end-to-end channel.

However, most modern chillum varieties you’ll find these days at head shops and dispensaries will primarily comprise glass pipes. 

These pipes come in a wide range of sizes, with proportions playing a direct role in the subsequent effects.

For instance, a smaller chillum pipe will bring hot weed smoke directly to your mouth, which will have you feeling the effects much sooner compared to longer/larger chillums.

Users appreciate chillums for a wide range of reasons. First and foremost, they’re discreet. When using a chillum, you’re less likely to draw too much attention to yourself.

Secondly, they’re inexpensive. 

So, if you’re looking for a cheaper method to smoke your green without spending too much green, chillums are perfect. 

They have a very straightforward structure that is less complex than other smoking apparatuses, like bongs, making them a perfect budget-friendly bud-consuming option. 

Finally, and one of the most importantly, a chillum or one-hitter is incredibly easy to clean. 

Since they’re small and have a straightforward structure, all you need to do is heat the outside of the chillum to soften the hardened resin inside.

From there, simply take a paper clip or thin cleaning brush and start cleaning the inside of the bowl until all the buildup comes off. That said, don’t scrub too aggressively! You still have to be careful to avoid scratching the glass.

The Origin & History Behind One-Hitters

The chillum device itself has origins in the subcontinent of India. According to some sources, Monks known as Sadhus have been utilizing chillums since as far back as the 18th century.

With such a deep-seated history, the influence of the chillum pipe is often associated with broader spiritual and meditation practices from India, regions across Asia, and eastern Europe.

With this in mind, while the chillum originated in India, it didn’t stay there forever! During the mid-1960s, this popular pipe choice crossed borders and oceans to extend its influence to the rest of the world.

However, it wasn’t until later in the 20th century that these pipes emerged and established a name for themselves on the western cannabis market.

What’s the Difference Between Chillums and Other Pipes?

While chillums are considered hand pipes, not all hand pipes are chillums. Does that make sense? We hope so!

More often than not, chillums are typically smaller than other hand pipes. However, the most noticeably distinct difference between these two varieties is that chillums don’t have a carburetor or, as most recreational tokers refer to it – a carb.

a hand pipe

A carburetor is a small hole on the left side of a cannabis bowl. So, during a sesh, smokers tend to cover this opening with their thumb or finger to help regulate the airflow to their mouth from the bowl.

Essentially, once you remove your thumb/finger from the carb, you can clear the bowl of weed and inhale all of the smoke.

However, since they don’t have a carb, you can’t control the overall airflow with a chillum as much as you can with other weed pipes. 

In other words, the bowl will continue to burn for as long as it can sustain itself since there’s no exact way to control it.

When used in their most traditional clay form, those smoking out of a chillum typically close their fists or use a piece of cloth to help serve as a filter.

For a comprehensive walk through of the different types of pipes you can smoke from be sure to check out our guide on weed pipes

Chillum Alternatives

There are tons of appeals to using a chillum that may convince users to give them a shot. 

That said, depending on your specific weed needs, smoking in any form may not be the most desirable scenario. In times like these, there are other smoke-free options!

pyro vape pen

Pyro THC Distillate Vaporizer Kits come complete with distillate cartridges containing reintroduced, strain-specific terpenes, providing a high-quality taste and experience without inhaling any potentially harmful tar carcinogens or excess plant matter.

Essentially, it provides the same classic appeal of smoking while also serving as a healthier alternative!

Paired with 0.5ml of pure, high-grade THC distillate, the Pyro Extracts Kits are a perfect choice for those looking to get their THC fix while also being sleek and discreet.

One-Hitter, but Not a Quitter!

The chillum is a classic smoking device that dates back further back than you might initially think.

From its origins in India to its gradual progression across Asia, eastern Europe and eventually across the pond to the western world, there’s no denying that the chillum has very much earned its place in cannabis history.

When it comes to why this cannabis pipe style hasn’t necessarily become outdated or out of style, the chillum is a prime example of how you can’t go wrong with a classic! It may not be the most complex device. Still, users love utilizing a chillum for its discreet nature, budget-friendly pricing, and ease of use when it comes to cleaning.

If you’re looking for an option to take with you quickly on the go, a chillum could be a practical and convenient solution. For a more convenient and smoke-free alternative, though, Pyro Vaporizer Kits pose a fantastic option for dosing on the go.

Whichever method you choose, happy toking!

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