Celebrities Who Smoke Weed

10 Celebrities Who Smoke Weed You Didn’t Know About

Celebrities who smoke weed number in the dozens, and marijuana legalization has only increased that number in recent years. While Snoop Dogg is the most famous example, there are countless other famous people who are enthusiastic about the Mary Jane.

Think you’re alone in your marijuana use? Think again. Everyone smoked weed sometime or another in their youth but some of these Hollywood names may still end up surprising you. Here’s a list of celebrities who enjoy toking on the devil’s lettuce.

10 Celebrities Who Smoke Weed That You Didn’t Know

Lady Gaga

lady gaga weed

You wouldn’t have thought of it before but Lady Gaga is a prolific weed smoker. In a Netflix documentary titled “Gaga : Five Foot Two” released in 2017, the singer-songwriter revealed that she smoked weed to help deal with her fibromyalgia, a bodily disorder that causes pain, fatigue and mood disorders.

Marijuana helps with various chronic pain symptoms and mood disorders such as borderline personality disorder, depression and anxiety, so it’s not too far-fetched to believe that Lady Gaga smokes pot to help with her pain management.

The star also said that smoking helped her deal with the stress of being in the spotlight and helped get her creative juices flowing to write music.

Miley Cyrus

The Disney Channel teenage superstar turned controversial singer is not only an outspoken advocate for weed but she’s also been caught smokin’ weed onstage.

In 2013, the female singer confirmed that she smoked a joint onstage at the MTV Europe Music Awards. Miley Cyrus said that she thought it’ll be a funny stunt to pull for her fans.

“It’s not something that I think about,” she said when asked about the controversial headlines she might cause. “I was just walking out of my room and then I was like, ‘Oh, I have this in my bag. That will be really funny.’ And I didn’t say anything to anybody. It’s not that I think about that … and I don’t tell anyone I’m gonna do it.”

Although Cyrus has smoked pot before, she has since quit smoking weed to focus on her music and her career.

“I think, for me personally, being sober has been just where I’ve been able to get my job done and I really needed some clarity,” she says.

Brad Pitt

brad pitt smokes weed

A well-known and popular name in Hollywood, Bradd Pitt is known around the world for his appearances in a variety of iconic movies. He’s also known for his rocky relationship with Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie and weed.

According to tabloids such as Vulture, Bradd Pitt and Angelina Jolie finalized their divorce when the latter said that his marijuana habit and pot use affected created an unsafe environment for their children.

Surprisingly, the Hollywood star has had a rocky relationship with serious drugs in the past, too. An interview with Parade Magazine had Pitt explain to the tabloid that he spent a period of his 90’s addicted to weed. He didn’t sugar coat the experience, going on to say that he started “feeling pathetic” despite being a major smoker.

Recently, Pitt has announced that he’s joined the sober human club and will no longer partake in weed or any other substances to focus on his career.

Jennifer Lawrence

Although the Hunger Games star is not a prolific weed smoker, she has admitted to “taking a hit” off of a bong before attending an Oscars ceremony. However, she’s also been captured by paparazzi crews toking on a joint while she was on vacation in Hawaii! There might just be more than meets the eye with Jennifer Lawrence and her relationship with marijuana.

Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst Celebrities who smoke weed

Dunst is one of those closeted pot-heads that love weed but don’t want anyone else to know.

In 2017 on the Jimmy Kimmel live show, she admitted that she smoked “real” weed on the set of her new movie titled ‘Woodshock.’ She said that she had difficulty smoking the so-called ‘prop weed’ and only realized after that the blunt she smoked for the shot was actually real.

To quote her director at the time, “Oh you smoked a FULL blunt on one of the takes,’… and this is like STRONG S**T.”

While this is the most recent incidence of Dunst smoking weed, the star was also accused of being a pothead in 2007 when she was robbed blind while staying in New York. Police found and apprehended the suspects after they left her hotel room and said that they “had permission to be there” as they were delivering weed for her to smoke.

While this is a far-fetched excuse that Dunst denies, it does seem to make sense, especially considering America’s view on cannabis at the time and how harshly Dunst would be criticized on the red carpet if the allegations were true.

“I’ve never been a major smoker, but I think America’s view on weed is ridiculous. I mean – are you kidding me?” the star said. “If everyone smoked weed, the world would be a better place. I’m not talking about being stoned all day, though. I think if it’s not used properly, it can hamper your creativity and close you up inside.”

Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson Weed

No surprises here, Willie Nelson is one of America’s most iconic celebrities who smoke weed.

In fact, the country singer once even smoked with Snoop Dogg, one of weed’s biggest celebrities. Even more surprising is the fact that Wilie Nelson managed to out-smoke Snoop Dogg!

When interviewed by Rolling Stone in 2019, he said that smoking medical marijuana had saved his life.

“I wouldn’t be alive. It saved my life, really. I wouldn’t have lived 85 years if I’d have kept drinking and smoking like I was when I was 30, 40 years old,” he said. “I think that weed kept me from wanting to kill people. And probably kept a lot of people from wanting to kill me, too.”

Today, the country star has released his own line of cannabis products titled “Willie’s Remedy,” offering cannabis products such as coffees and teas infused with hemp oil.

Cameron Diaz

The world is a small place. So small, in fact, that Cameron Diaz and Snoop Dogg not only went to the same high school together but also bought and smoked weed together.

Diaz, who grew up in Long Beach county and attended Long Beach Polytechnic High School in the late ’80s with Snoop Dogg, revealed in an interview with George Lopez in 2011 that Snoop Dogg would sell her weed back in their youth.

While she doesn’t partake in getting stoned anymore, she’ll always have her pot legacy with Snoop Dogg to look back on!

Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford Weed

May the force be with you, but also the dank, too! While it’s not clear how much weed the Star Wars star smoked, his late co-star Carrie Fisher said in her memoir that when they were together, Ford’s weed packed such “brutal strength” that she ended up forgetting a lot of 1976!

There’s also a story floating around that when Ford ran out of rolling papers, he put weed in a saucepan in order to smoke pot. He heated up his saucepan until it was smoking and took hits out of the pot. This all happened while he was in a moving car, too. Ford takes smoking weed to the next level!

Charlize Theron

While she’s not much of a pothead anymore, Theron told Howard Stern in 2017 that for a big part of her career, she was a major pothead. At one point, she even considered herself to be a “wake-and-baker!” Theron is the last member of the celebrities who smoke weed list and she’s much more tight-lipped about her consumption habits today but who knows? Maybe she’s down for some pot brownies once in a while or favours the vape pen.

Patrick Stewart

Captain Picard is a stern and demanding personality but Stewart himself is a major stoner. Back in the day, the Star Trek actor would smoke weed on a daily basis, but this wasn’t just to get high. His doctor actually prescribed the movie star weed to treat his real-life arthritis. It just goes to show that weed isn’t only used to get high!

Celebrities Who Smoke Weed – More than You Think

The list of celebrities who smoke weed who smoke weed numbers way more than 10. Other stars that also partake in some jazz leaf include Wiz Khalifa, Kurt Russel and Bella Thorne. Of course, this is to be expected. Who doesn’t love the devil’s lettuce?

While many aren’t as vocal about their weed use, other celebrities, such as Whoopi Goldberg, prefer using a distillate pen to keep weed enjoyment away from prying eyes.

What about you? Is switching to a THC vape pen in your future or would you rather stick with dry flower?

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