cbd vape juice

CBD Vape Juice – What You Need to Know

Vaping has rapidly become one of the most popular ways to get your daily CBD dose. Find out for yourself why this CBD delivery system is winning over consumers all over the world. 

Discover what to expect when you vape CBD juice, including the expected benefits and general effects. We’ll learn all about CBD vape juice (also called e-juice) and vape pen distillate.

What is CBD Vape Juice?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the cannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant. Unlike Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is non-impairing. Furthermore, THC has a slew of psychoactive effects that differ from CBD. 

For example, CBD is thought to help reduce anxiety, improve sleep, reduce discomfort, and more.

By combining CBD isolate with other ingredients, producers create CBD e-juice. Generally speaking, CBD vape juice will contain little to no THC. The CBD vape juices that contain no THC are usually made using CBD distillate.

You may be wondering, what is CBD oil distillate? 

When cannabinoids are extracted from cannabis plant matter, they either focus on one compound or remove numerous compounds. 

Full-spectrum products are made using extraction methods that draw out multiple cannabinoids and terpenes. 

On the other hand, isolates are made using extraction methods that extract and isolate only one type of compound. 

CBD isolate contains nothing else except for plain CBD. This base ingredient is used to create many of the CBD products currently available on the market, including edibles, tinctures and everything in-between.

In CBD vape juice’s case, the isolate is combined with thinning agents, flavouring agents, and other compounds to create a vape-able product. 

While you may expect an ‘oil’ ingredient, most CBD vape oils contain no oils. Producers generally use Propylene Glycol (PG) and Vegetable Glycerin (VG) as thinning agents to produce optimal e-liquids. 

However, many medicinal patients still prefer using CBD vape pens for their ease of use, their use of just one ingredient (CBD distillate) and their accessibility. 

For many, our ceramic vape cartridges are the perfect alternative.  Our CBD vape cartridges are made with ceramic instead of metal parts to deliver a smooth, balanced and tasty hit of CBD without compromising on quality. 

If you’re on the fence about trying CBD vape juice, consider giving CBD vape pens a try, instead! 

Benefits of CBD Vape Juice

Vaping is incredibly efficient, especially compared to CBD oil. Ingestible CBD products must move through the stomach and digestive tract before being absorbed into the bloodstream. 

During this process, many CBD  compounds are degraded and destroyed by our natural acidic environment.

 On the other hand, inhalation sends CBD compounds straight through the lungs into our bloodstream. In summary, vaping has a higher efficiency than oral versions of CBD.

Additionally, vaping is easy and convenient. There is nothing easier than grabbing your vape and enjoying your juice – CBD and all. The onset of effects is also rapid, comparable with smoking, and far quicker than with oral ingestion.

Vaping also has benefits over any smoked method. 

You can smoke CBD flower, but the combustion produces numerous by-products with potentially harmful effects. At the very least, inhaling smoke agitates the throat and lungs, leading to coughing and increased phlegm production. 

Conversely, vaping involves no combustion instead of using high heat to aerosolize the CBD compounds.

But is vaping CBD E-liquid harmless?

Can Vaping CBD Oil Harm You?

While more research is needed, all signs point toward good things. The most significant potential harm of vaping CBD oil does not result from vaping or the CBD compounds. Instead, injuries have been caused by using improper additional ingredients inside the juice. 

Producers are constantly updating their recipes to ensure that any potentially dangerous compounds are excluded. Nonetheless, this is the best reason for buying only from legitimate sources of e-juice.

For many, CBD distillate and CBD vape pens are a better alternative since they only use CBD distillate and nothing else.

Vaping Effects

vaping cbd vape juice

How does vaping CBD make you feel? That is the question we will answer by exploring five primary effects of vaping CBD. Each potential benefit applies to all, and that has a dramatic impact on our quality of life. We’ll explore the topics of anxiety, pain, sleep, and smoking cessation.

Alleviating Anxiety

Anxiety gets in the way of us living our best lives, producing discomfort and inaction. A significant case study completed in 2019 explored using CBD for anxiety. 

The researchers found that anxiety ratings decreased significantly in the first month of treatment. After that, CBD maintained the gains over several months before the study concluded.

Attenuating Pain

Persistent pain problems are a massive drain on our society and our quality of life. CBD has been shown to help reduce pain in specific populations by as much as 30%

More research into different types of distress and their behaviours is necessary, but CBD has substantial promise to help us win the fight against persistent pain problems. 

The question ‘how long does it take for CBD Vape Juice to kick in?’ is essential for those in pain. The good news is that the rapid onset of effects after vaping CBD makes it the perfect delivery method for quick results.

Smoking Cessation

Are you trying to quit smoking? Vaping CBD provides a literal replacement for smoking that can help some people overcome their old habits. This replacement can help us shift our attention away from cues that lead to wanting a cigarette. 

Research has shown how CBD can help us reduce the intensity and the pleasantness of nicotine cues. One day, CBD may officially join the ranks of tools that help us stop smoking nicotine.

Improved Sleep

Getting enough sleep is a problem we all share from time to time. Can using CBD help you improve your sleep quality? It sure seems like it could. Another benefit of CBD, found in the pain research discussed above, involved sleep patterns. 

The researchers discovered that there was some evidence of improved sleep quality after using CBD.

 Interestingly, the research mentioned earlier about anxiety reduction also found improved sleep scores. Over time, more research will only illuminate this and other benefits more fully.

CBD Vape Juice – Not Just Hot Air 

cbd vape juice kit

There you have it! You can now discuss what goes inside CBD vape juice, the practical benefits of vaping, and what you can expect from it. This information can help you avoid potential harms and ensure you optimize the benefits of CBD compounds. 

As we discovered today, vaping CBD is quick, easy, and effective. Vaping is less harmful than smoking, and the benefits of using CBD goes beyond that. 

However, if you’re still on the fence about the efficacy and safety of CBD vape juice, CBD distillate vape pens are a great alternative!

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