thc diamonds

THC Diamonds – Everything You Need to Know

Ever heard of THC Diamonds? Chances are, you haven’t. Have you ever examined your cannabis in detail? Next time you make a purchase, we recommend taking a closer look. You’ll notice thousands of tiny, shining crystals of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid — more commonly referred to as THCA.

These tiny crystals can be isolated from the plant material and concentrated into rocks that remind many people of diamonds — and they’re quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to use cannabis.

What are THC diamonds and why do people love them?  You’re not the only person with these questions — let’s learn more about how they’re are made, how to use them, and how they compare to other cannabis concentrates.

Before we get into the details, it’s important to understand the difference between THCA and THC.

What’s the Difference Between THCA & THC?

You’re likely familiar with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — the most famous of the 100+ naturally-occurring chemicals found in cannabis called cannabinoids. It’s largely responsible for the psychoactive and physical effects associated with cannabis.

Although THCA and THC are closely related, they’re not quite the same thing.  Essentially, THCA is the inactive form of THC. It won’t cause any euphoria by itself — which is why eating freshly harvested, raw cannabis flowers is unlikely to have any intoxicating effects.

However, when THCA is heated, it undergoes a process called decarboxylation which converts it into the active compound THC — which is why it’s important to smoke, vape, or otherwise heat your cannabis products before consuming them.

Time can also lead to decarboxylation which means you may detect small amounts of THC in dried and cured cannabis.

You’ll likely hear people using THCA and THC interchangeably when referring to concentrates and other cannabis products — while it’s good to know the difference, don’t get too caught up on the specifics.

What Are THC Diamonds? (THCA Diamonds)

thca diamonds

THCA or THC diamonds are one of the most potent cannabis concentrates currently on the market. In some cases, diamonds can be up to 99% pure THCA with small amounts of other cannabinoids and terpenes.

Another distinctive characteristic of THC diamonds is their appearance — crystalline, translucent rocks that closely resemble diamonds, hence the name. Although the size of each diamond can vary significantly, they’re often about the size of a piece of gravel or small stone.

The purity of these cannabis concentrates also means they tend to be nearly flavorless and odorless, although they’re sometimes left to soak in “terp sauce” or High Terpene Full Spectrum Extract (HTFSE).

Terp sauce contains a high concentration of terpenes — compounds that give plants their unique aromas and flavors. They’re the reason why pine trees, lemons, and even cannabis plants smell the way they do.

Due to their highly potent nature, THC diamonds are best reserved for experienced cannabis users. New cannabis users will likely want to start with flower or another cannabis concentrates like hash, before experimenting with THCA diamonds.

THCA diamonds are like high-proof alcohol — you might want to start with a beer before getting into hard liquor.

How Are THCA Diamonds Made?

The primary goal of cannabis extraction is to isolate the desirable compounds (cannabinoids and terpenes) from plant material.

Extracting THC diamonds, or “diamond mining,” is achieved by soaking raw cannabis plants in solvents like butane or propane which draw out these desirable compounds. These are generally closed systems due to the dangers of working with highly flammable materials like butane.

The resulting mixture is filtered from the plant material and heated (or purged) to remove as much of the solvent as possible.

In the past, people mostly used dried and cured cannabis. Today, many diamonds are made using flash-frozen, freshly harvested cannabis which preserves more of the plant’s natural cannabinoids and terpenes.

If flash-frozen, freshly harvested cannabis is used, the end result is called live resin. Live resin is then placed into a jar or container and left in a dark room for 2 to 3 weeks. During this time, the resin slowly separates — with diamonds crystallizing at the bottom of the container and terp sauce floating above.

How to Use THC Diamonds

THC diamonds are incredibly versatile. Due to being nearly flavorless and odorless, diamonds can be easily mixed into other products. They’re an excellent way to boost the THC content in your oils, joints, e-liquids, or even CBD isolates.

Diamonds can also be used on their own in glass pipes, dab rigs, or vaporizers. Don’t go too crazy — a little bit goes a long way. You can always smoke again if you need to.

Studies are still underway but there may be some evidence THCA has wellness benefits without being converted into THC.  It can be added to recipes, topical creams, body butter, or taken in a capsule. As long as it isn’t heated up, you shouldn’t experience any intoxicating effects.

THCA Diamonds vs Other Cannabis Concentrates

thc diamonds guide

You’ve probably heard of other cannabis concentrates like hash, kief, oil, wax, shatter, budder… the list goes on. The difference between many of these terms may be small — you might even have unique, local slang to refer to these same products.

One of the primary distinctions between other cannabis concentrates and diamonds is purity. As we mentioned above, diamonds are often close to 99% pure THCA, having been separated from all other compounds found in cannabis.

Other concentrates have varying degrees of purity and usually contain a wide range of cannabinoids and terpenes.

For this same reason, concentrates like oils or budders will usually have a distinct earthly odor and taste — while diamonds do not.

Additionally, diamonds tend to be solid crystals, where other concentrates may be oils, powders, or soft and sticky substances like wax.

Who Should Use THC Diamonds?

Diamonds are an excellent choice for experienced cannabis users looking to get higher doses of THC with less concentrate. It’s the perfect product to pair with other cannabis concentrates in order to customize your dose of THC — and get yourself on the right level.

For novice or infrequent cannabis users, we recommend sticking to less potent concentrates like hash or kief until you’re familiar with how THC affects you.

If you’re already using THCA diamonds, you’re well ahead of the curve. For those of you just learning about diamonds, you’re in for a real treat.

Want to learn more? Keep an eye out for diamonds in your local dispensary or see if they can be delivered straight to your door.

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